Ajaycherayi / QR-Registry

This system has an android application. Users and Shops get a mobile android application and having a QR code Generator part and a QR code Scanning part.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

QR Registry


       Nowadays whole world is in a critical situation. When you go to shop, hospital or institute, etc to you need to give your details to the them. and they will record or register it in their database. So, we need to give our data manually to them. And also, you have to know, if you in an unknown city, then you need to find some shop, hospital or institute, etc and needed a better communication with them it is so difficult.

       The solution for this problem is you need unique identity to and media for finding shop, hospital or institute, etc. You can communicate with them and find it is useful to you or not. Through an application it is possible. It is possible through a QR CODE. The QR CODE only shows your details to the shop/organization, so they can access it.


🤵 User

       User get a user Register form to enter user details and Verify user deatils using phone number otp Authentication. Then entered to the apllication user can show the Update Profile then click on and update user personal details. They can generate his/her own QR and can take screenshot. A window to Find shop, hospital or institute, etc on map. A window for scanning shop QR code and another window for showing the scanned shop details in list view.


       If user is a shop, hospital or institute, etc owner user can register it after first registering the user. they get a login. Profile for your shop/organization, which contain shop/organization details like Name, Location, Category etc. They can scan User QR code to access the user details. They can store the data directly into their database or sheets and they can update their Profile. Communication media which provide communication between User and shop, hospital or institute, etc.

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Team Members


This system has an android application. Users and Shops get a mobile android application and having a QR code Generator part and a QR code Scanning part.


Language:Java 100.0%