Ajay2521 / Python

In this major python concept has been covered.

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In this major python concept has been covered.

All about getting start with Python.

What is Python Programming ?

  • Python is a Simple , high level and Object Oriented programming language which is created by Guido Van Rossum

  • Python is also know as Interpreted scripting language , which is python code can be executed with or without compiling the Source code or the Python Script . That is python interpreter allows to execute the python code directly.

Why Python Programming?

  • Python is famously known for its simplicity which is the code which is written in Python is less when compared to other programming languages like C, C++, java etc..,,,

  • Python is Simple to learn and effective to use.

  • Python support Dynamic Variable allocation , thus there is no need to use data types to declare the varible.

Python Versions

  • Python consists of2 versions which is Python 2 and Python3 and this 2 versions differ a lot from each other.
  • Example Python2 use print as print"Statement", where as Python3 use print as print("Statment").

Python Feature:

  • Easy and simple to learn.

  • Understandable and Readable.

  • Interpreted Language.

  • Supports in many platform.

  • Free and Open Source.

  • Object-Oriented Language(OOPs).

  • Contains Large Standard Library.

  • Supports GUI Programming.

Area of Application:

  • Web Application.

  • Desktop GUI Application.

  • Software Development.

  • Scientific and Numeric.

  • Business Application.

  • Console Based Application.

  • Audio or Video based Application.

  • Enterprise Application.

Install Python in Your Local Machine.

Click Here to download Python based on different Operating System and based on 32bit or 64bit.

Click Here - To download latest version of Python for Windows Operating System with 64bit.

Click Here - To download latest version of Python for Mac Operating System with 64 bit.

After downloading it , Install it like how we install other application.

After Installation of Python , To check its installation open comand prompt and enter Python --version to check the version of python installed in the machine.

Lets start

Python support interpreted type which is used to executed python code in interpreter(terminal).

But here i am using Scripting to compile the Python code and Execute the Python code which has compiled.

To compile and execute the python script file.

  • First open any text editor like Notepad, Notepad++ etc...,,

  • Here i am using Sublime Text editor.

  • Then write the python code and save the file by using .py extension.

  • Then open comand prompt and specify the file / folder location where the .py python file has been saved.

  • To compile that .py python file type "python filename.py" and press Enter.

  • If no error then respective output will be displayed on the screen.

Important Notes to Learner :

  • Anything which is followed by hashtag(#) is consider as a comments. Comments play major role in this tutorial since Comments will be used to explain the syntax and how the program and program control flow in Python Program.

  • Follow this README file to make this tutorial in effective way

  • This python tutorial is divided as BASIC , INTERMEDIATE , ADVANCE

Before moving directly to the code , follow this README file pattern to make this python tutorial usefull.


  1. Simple Python - In this simple python program and its structure has been explained.

  2. Variable - In this Variable concept in python has been explained.

  3. Single Value to Multiple Variable - In this how Single Value can be assigned to Multiple Variable in Python has been explained.

  4. Multiple Value to Multiple Variable - In this how Multiple Value can be assigned to Multiple Variable in Python has been explained.

  5. Number - In this Number concept in Python has been explained.

  6. String - In this String Datatype in Python has been explained.

  7. List - In this List Datatype in Python has been explained.

  8. Tuple - In this Tuple Datatype in Python has been explained.

  9. Dictionary - In this Dictionary Datatype in Python has been explained.

  10. Arithmetic Operator - In this Arithmetic Operators in Python has been explained.

  11. Comparison Operator - In this Comparison Operators in Python has been explained.

  12. Assignment Operator - In this Assignment Operators in Python has been explained.

  13. Bitwise Operator - In this Bitwise Operators in Python has been explained.

  14. Logical Operator - In this Logical Operators in Python has been explained.

  15. Membership Operator - In this Membership Operators in Python has been explained.

  16. Identity Operator - In this Identity Operators in Python has been explained.

  17. Operator Precedence - In this Operators Precedence in Python has been explained.

  18. if statement - In this "if conditional statement" in Python has been explained.

  19. if else statement - In this "if else conditional statement" in Python has been explained.

  20. if elif statement - In this "if elif conditional statement" in Python has been explained.

  21. Nested if statement - In this "Nested if conditional statement" in Python has been explained.

  22. Nested if else statement - In this "Nested if else conditional statement" in Python has been explained.

  23. Nested if elif statement - In this "Nested if elif conditional statement" in Python has been explained.

  24. for loop - In this "for loop" in Python has been explained.

  25. for loop for list - In this "for loop for list" in Python has been explained.

  26. for loop for tuple - In this "for loop for tuple" in Python has been explained.

  27. range - In this "range" in Python has been explained using for loop.

  28. Nested for loop - In this "Nested for loop" in Python has been explained.

  29. for loop with else - In this "for loop with else" in Python has been explained.

  30. while loop - In this "while loop" in Python has been explained.

  31. Infinite while loop - In this "Infinite while loop" in Python has been explained.

  32. while loop with else - In this "while loop with else" in Python has been explained.

  33. break - In this "break control statement" in Python has been explained.

  34. continue - In this "continue control statement" in Python has been explained.

  35. pass - In this "pass control statement" in Python has been explained.

  36. User input data - In this dynamic allocation of user given input data concept has been explained.



  1. String - In this Creation of Simple String datatype Creation has been explained.

  2. Index of String - In this index concept in String datatype has been explained.

  3. Slice in String - In this Slicing the String has been explained.

  4. Negative slice in String - In this Negative index and slice of String datatype has been explained.

  5. Reassigning String - In this Reassigning string value has been explained.

  6. Deleting String - In this Deleting an string has been explained.

  7. String Operation - In this majorly used String concept has been explained.

  8. Escape Sequence - In this Escape Sequence has been explained.

  9. format( ) - In this format( ) method in string has been explained.

List Datatype :

  1. List - In this creation of simple List datatype has been explained.

  2. List are Ordered - In this the characterist of List has order has been explained.

  3. Indexing the List - In this indexing concept in List datatype has been explained.

  4. Slice in List - In this Slicing concept of List has been explained.

  5. Negative Slice in List - In this Negative indexing and slice in List has been explained.

  6. Updating List - In this updating the List datatype has been explained.

  7. Operators in List - In this majorly used Operators in List has been explained.

  8. Adding Value to List - In this adding the value to the List has been explained.

  9. Removing from List - In this Removing the value from the List has been explained.

  10. Built in Functions in List - In this majorly used Build in Functions in List has been explained.

  11. Deleting list - In this deleting an entier List in a program has been explained.

Tuple Datatype :

  1. Tuple - In this Creation of simple Tuple datatype has been explained.

  2. Indexing Tuple - In this Indexing of Tuple datatype has been explained.

  3. Slicing Tuple - In this Slicing the Tuple datatype has been explained.

  4. Negative Indexing in Tuple - In this Negative Indexing and slicing in Tuple has been explained.

  5. Deleting Tuple - In this deleting an entier Tuple in a program has been explained.

  6. Operators in Tuple - In this Majorly used Operators in Tuple has been explained.

  7. Built-in Functions in Tuple - In this Majorly used Built-in functions in Tuple has been explained.

Set Datatype :

  1. Set - In this creation of simple set datatype has been explained.

  2. Set( ) - In this Creation of simple Set datatype using the method Set( ) has been explained.

  3. Adding set using add( ) - In this adding the value to the Set datatype using add( ) method has been explained.

  4. Adding set using update( ) - In this adding the value to the Set datatype using update( ) method has been explained.

  5. Removing set using discard( ) - In this removing the value from the Set datatype using discard( ) method has been explained.

  6. Removing set using remove( ) - In this removing the value from the Set datatype using remove( ) method has been explained.

  7. Union set - In this Union Operation of two Set has been explained.

  8. Intersection set - In this Intersection Operation in two Set has been explained.

  9. Intersection_update( ) set - In this Intersection_update( ) Operation in two Set has been explained.

  10. difference set - In this difference Operation of two Set has been explained.

  11. symmetric_difference set - In this symmetric_difference Operation of two Set has been explained.

  12. Set Comparisons - In this majory used Set comparisons operation has been explained.

  13. FrozenSet - In this FrozenSet concept has been explained.

Dictionary Datatype :

  1. Dictionary - In this creation of simple Dictionary datatype has been explained.

  2. dict( ) - In this Creation of Dictionary using dict( ) method has been explained.

  3. Accessing values in dict - In this accessing the values present in the Dictionary datatype has been explained.

  4. Adding and Updating dict - In this Adding and Updating the values and keys in Dictionary has been explained.

  5. Delecting dict - In this Deleting an entier Dictionary has been explained.

  6. Printing keys in dict - In this Printing only the keys which is present in the dictionary has been explained.

  7. Printing values in dict - In this Printing only the values which is present in the dictionary has been explained.

  8. Printing values in dict using values( ) - In this Printing only the values which is present in the dictionary using values( ) method has been explained.

  9. Printing all the items in dict using items - In this Printing all the items which is present in the dictionary using items( ) method has been explained.


Functions :

User-Defined Functions :

  1. function - In this simple function creation and its structure has been explained.

  2. function without return - In this simple function without return value been explained.

  3. function by passing argument - In this passing argument to the function concept has been explained.

  4. Call by Reference using mutable list - In this Call by Reference method in python has been explained by using mutable list datatype.

  5. Call by Reference using immutable string - In this Call by Reference method in python has been explained by using immutable string datatype.

  6. Requried Arguments - In this Requried Arguments concept has been explained.

  7. Default Arguments - In this Default Arguments concept has been explained.

  8. Variable-Length Arguments - In this Variable-Length Arguments concept has been explained.

  9. Keyword Arguments - In this Keyword Arguments concept has been explained.

  10. Global Variable - In this Global Variable concept has been explained.

  11. Local Variable - In this Local Variable concept has been explained.

Built-in Function :

  1. abs( ) - In this abs( ) built-in function has been explained.

  2. all( ) - In this all( ) built-in function has been explained.

  3. bin( ) - In this bin( ) built-in function has been explained.

  4. bool( ) - In this bool( ) built-in function has been explained.

  5. bytes( ) - In this bytes( ) built-in function has been explained.

  6. callable( ) - In this callable( ) built-in function has been explained.

  7. compile( ) - In this compile( ) built-in function has been explained.

  8. exec( ) - In this exec( ) built-in function has been explained.

  9. sum( ) - In this sum( ) built-in function has been explained.

  10. any( ) - In this any( ) built-in function has been explained.

  11. ascii( ) - In this ascii( ) built-in function has been explained.

  12. bytearray( ) - In this bytearray( ) built-in function has been explained.

  13. eval( ) - In this eval( ) built-in function has been explained.

  14. float( ) - In this float( ) built-in function has been explained.

  15. getattr( ) - In this getattr( ) built-in function has been explained.

  16. hasattr( ) - In this hasattr( ) built-in function has been explained.

  17. len( ) - In this len( ) built-in function has been explained.

  18. list( ) - In this list( ) built-in function has been explained.

  19. map( ) - In this map( ) built-in function has been explained.

  20. object( ) - In this object( ) built-in function has been explained.

  21. open( ) - In this open( ) built-in function has been explained.

  22. chr( ) - In this chr( ) built-in function has been explained.

  23. complex( ) - In this complex( ) built-in function has been explained.

  24. delattr( ) - In this delattr( ) built-in function has been explained.

  25. divmod( ) - In this divmod( ) built-in function has been explained.

  26. hash( ) - In this hash( ) built-in function has been explained.

  27. help( ) - In this help( ) built-in function has been explained.

  28. min( ) - In this min( ) built-in function has been explained.

  29. hex( ) - In this hex( ) built-in function has been explained.

  30. id( ) - In this id( ) built-in function has been explained.

  31. setattr( ) - In this setattr( ) built-in function has been explained.

  32. sorted( ) - In this sorted( ) built-in function has been explained.

  33. input( ) - In this input( ) built-in function has been explained.

  34. next( ) - In this next( ) built-in function has been explained.

  35. int( ) - In this int( ) built-in function has been explained.

  36. isinstance( ) - In this isinstance( ) built-in function has been explained.

  37. oct( ) - In this oct( ) built-in function has been explained.

  38. ord( ) - In this ord( ) built-in function has been explained.

  39. pow( ) - In this pow( ) built-in function has been explained.

  40. print( ) - In this print( ) built-in function has been explained.

  41. reversed( ) - In this reversed( ) built-in function has been explained.

  42. round( ) - In this round( ) built-in function has been explained.

  43. issubclass( ) - In this issubclass( ) built-in function has been explained.

  44. str( ) - In this str( ) built-in function has been explained.

  45. type( ) - In this type( ) built-in function has been explained.

  46. vars( ) - In this vars( ) built-in function has been explained.

  47. zip( ) - In this zip( ) built-in function has been explained.

Lambda Function :

  1. Lambda - In this Lambda function has been explained.

  2. Lambda with filter() - In this Lambda function with filter( ) has been explained.

  3. Lambda with map() - In this Lambda function with map( ) has been explained.

File :

  1. open( ) - In this File handling has been explained along with open( ) function which is used to open a file.

  2. close( ) - In this close( ) in file handling has been explained.

  3. with statement - In this with statement in file handling has been explained.

  4. append( ) - In this append( ) which is used to append the new data in file handling has been explained.

  5. write( ) - In this write( ) which is used to write the new data in file handling has been explained.

  6. read( ) without value - In this read( ) which is used to read the data in file handling has been explained.

  7. read( ) with value - In this read( ) which is used to read the data in file handling has been explained.

  8. reading using loop - In this readling the file usig loop has been explained.

  9. readline( ) - In this readline( ) which is used to fetch data line by line has been explained.

  10. create file - In this creating a file in python has been explained.

  11. tell( ) - In this tell( ) in file handling has been explained.

  12. seek( ) - In this seek( ) in file handling has been explained.

  13. remove( ) - In this remove( ) in file handling has been explained.

  14. rename( ) - In this rename( ) in file handling has been explained.

  15. mkdir( ) - In this mkdir( ) in file handling has been explained.

  16. getcwd( ) - In this getcwd( ) in file handling has been explained.

  17. chdir( ) - In this chdir( ) in file handling has been explained.

  18. rmdir( ) - In this rmdir( ) in file handling has been explained.


In this major python concept has been covered.


Language:Python 100.0%