AirGuanZ / imgui-filebrowser

File browser implementation for dear-imgui. C++17 is required.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

file not loading until clicked a second time

Noahwealsey opened this issue · comments

i am working on a music player and i am using this library for navigation and as soon as i select a file the dialog file closes and the file does not load but when i open the file dialog again, it works

Here's my code snippet:

`void Window::Update() {
ImGui::SFML::Update(m_window, deltaClock.restart());

if (ImGui::Begin("FILE EXPLORER"))

	if (ImGui::Button("Select Directory"))

static float volume = 100;
static bool pause = false;
ImGui::Begin("Volume Manager");
ImGui::SliderFloat("vol", &volume, 0, 100);

ImGui::Begin("play manager");
ImGui::Checkbox("Pause", &pause);
ImGui:: End();

if (m_browser.HasSelected()) 
	if (!fileSelected) 
		filePath = m_browser.GetSelected().string();
		std::cout << filePath << "selected" << std::endl;
		fileSelected = true;
	else {
		fileSelected = false;

the volume and pause only works when the file dialog closes the first time, not while the music is running
m_browser is of type ImGui::FIleBrowser

and yes i double click to selecta file`

i did it i put the the file selected and m_browser.HasSelected() on the same if statement using and operator it worked but i can't change the files whille one is being played


Try adding m_browser.ClearSelected() after GetSelected