Ahmosys / hotel-management

๐ŸŽฏ Clean Architcture API in C#/ASP.NET for hotel management.

Home Page:https://docs.ahmhome.fr/s/eKjhkHeFN

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๐Ÿจ Hotel Management

This project involves the development of a web API application in C# dedicated to the management of a hotel. The application covers various essential aspects such as room booking, management of users and hotel services. The main objective is to apply object-oriented programming concepts, architecture and design patterns, while ensuring the functionality, security and quality of the code.

๐Ÿ’ป Technologies


  • ASP.NET Core 8.0: Framework used for minimal web API development.
  • Entity Framework Core 8.0: Used for data persistence management (ORM).
  • MediatR: Used for command and query mediation.
  • AutoMapper: Used for object-object mapping.
  • FluentValidation: Used for input validation.
  • Quartz.NET: Used for asynchronous task scheduling.
  • Ardalis.GuardClauses: Used for checking for invalid inputs up front and immediately failing if any are found.
  • NSwag: Used for API documentation (OpenAPI).


  • NUnit: Unit testing framework.
  • FluentAssertions: Fluent assertion library for unit tests.
  • Moq: Mocking library for unit tests.
  • Respawn: Used for resetting the database state between tests.

๐ŸŽจ Design Principles and Patterns used


CQRS pattern is used to separate read (queries) from write (commands) operations, allowing better data management and optimized performance. This pattern is implemented using the MediatR library, which provides a clean and consistent way to handle commands and queries. You can observe the implementation of the CQRS pattern in the src/Application directory, for each use case we have a command or a query, and each command/query has a handler that contains the logic for that use case. The handlers are responsible for executing the logic and returning the result to the caller. Also, for each command/query, we have a validator that validates the input parameters before executing the logic to ensure that the data is valid and consistent, for that we use the FluentValidation library.

Domain Events

Domain events pattern are used to communicate changes in the domain model, allowing the application to react to these changes and trigger appropriate actions. To implement domain events, we have a BaseEntity.cs class in the src/Domain/Common/ directory that contains a list of domain events. Each entity that needs to raise domain events inherits from this class and can raise domain events by calling the AddDomainEvent() method. The domain events are then dispatched using the MediatR library, which allows us to handle the events in a decoupled and asynchronous manner. You can observe the implementation of domain events in the src/Domain/Entities/Booking.cs file, where the Booking entity raises domain events when it is checked out. The domain event is then handled by the BookingCheckedOutEventHandler.cs class in the src/Application/Bookings/EventHandlers/ directory, which sends an email to the customer when the booking is checked out.


The Repository pattern is used to abstract the data access layer, providing a clean and consistent way to access data from the database. The repository pattern is implemented using the interfaces in the src/Domain/Repository/ directory, which defines the common operations for entities. The repository pattern allows us to decouple the data access logic from the application logic, making it easier to test and maintain the code. You can observe the implementation of the repository pattern in the src/Infrastructure/Data/Repository directory, where we have concrete implementations of the repository interfaces for each entity. You maybe noticed that we don't have a generic IRepository<T> in the project because we don't need it, we have a repository per entity because we don't have a lot of entities and we don't need to have a generic repository. But if the project was bigger, we would have a generic repository and also implement a Unit of Work pattern to manage transactions.

Guard Clauses

Guard clauses are used to validate input parameters and ensure that the application's business rules are enforced (Failing fast). The Guard Clauses are implemented using the Ardalis.GuardClauses library, which provides a set of guard clause methods for checking for invalid inputs up front and immediately failing if any are found. You can observe the implementation of guard clauses in the src/Application/Bookings/Commands/CreateBookingCommandHandler.cs file for instance, where we use guard clauses before executing the logic.


DDD is used to model the application's business domain, using concepts such as entities, value objects, aggregates, etc, to ensure a software design aligned with business needs. For instance, we have in each entity a set of properties that represent the entity's state and behavior. You can observe the implementation of DDD in the src/Domain directory, where we have the core business entities, value objects, and domain services that represent the business domain.


SOLID principles are applied to ensure code quality, focusing on code simplicity, maintainability, and extensibility.

Fail Fast

The "Fail Fast" strategy is adopted to detect and report errors as soon as they occur, ensuring a quick and appropriate response to any issues. This approach is implemented using guard clauses and input validation to check for invalid inputs up front and immediately fail if any are found.


The Mediator pattern is used to decouple the components of the application, allowing them to communicate without being directly dependent on each other. The MediatR library is used to implement the Mediator pattern, providing a clean and consistent way to handle commands and queries. You can observe the implementation of the Mediator pattern in the src/Application directory, where we have commands, queries, and handlers that are mediated by the MediatR library. Also in the src/Web/Endpoints directory, we have the controllers that mediate the communication between the API and the application layer.

Static Factory Method

The static factory method pattern is employed to create instances of objects, furnishing a neat and uniform approach for object creation. You can observe the implementation of the static factory method pattern in the src/Domain/Entities/Room.cs file for instance. This file encapsulates all properties of a room object, and the static factory method Create() is utilized to instantiate room objects with consistent behavior and configuration. This approach not only simplifies the process of creating objects but also ensures adherence to design principles such as encapsulation and separation of concerns.

๐Ÿ“š Structure

The application is structured following the principles of Clean Architecture, which consists of four layers: Presentation (Web API), Application, Domain, and Infrastructure.


The Web layer is responsible for handling HTTP requests and responses, as well as input validation and serialization. It contains the controllers and other components related to the web API.


The Application layer contains the application's business logic, including commands, queries, and handlers. It is responsible for orchestrating the flow of data between the Presentation and Domain layers.


The Domain layer contains the core business entities, value objects, and domain services. It represents the business domain and encapsulates the business rules and logic.


The Infrastructure layer contains the implementation details, such as data access, external services such as email service and payment, and other infrastructure-related concerns. It is responsible for interacting with external systems and providing the necessary infrastructure for the application to run.


The application utilizes a relational database, specifically Microsoft SQL Server LocalDB (for dev env), for storing data related to users, roles, bookings, rooms, etc. Entity Framework Core is utilized for data persistence management, providing an effective database abstraction.

Database Schema

Here is a UML diagram:

Here is a ERD diagram of the database schema:

Database Migrations

The database schema is managed using Entity Framework Core's migration feature, which allows us to create, update, and rollback database schema changes. The migrations are stored in the src/Infrastructure/Data/Migrations directory. At the start of the application, the database is automatically migrated to the latest version.

Database Seeding

The database is seeded with initial data to facilitate testing and development. The seeding process is performed when running the application using Entity Framework Core's, which populates the database with predefined data. You can find the seeding data in the src/Infrastructure/Data/ApplicationDbContextInitialiser.cs file.

๐Ÿšฆ API Endpoints

Users (Identity - ASP.NET Core)

Routes for all roles:

  • POST /api/users/login: Authenticate a user and generate a JWT token.
  • POST /api/users/register: Register a new user.

๐Ÿ‘€ See more at Identity API.


Routes for Customer role:

  • GET /api/rooms/available/customer/?StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}: Get available rooms between two dates.

Routes for Cleaner role:

  • GET /api/rooms/to-clean: Get all rooms to clean.
  • PUT /api/rooms/{roomId}/clean: Mark a room as cleaned.

Routes for Receptionist role:

  • GET /api/rooms/available/receptionist/?StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}: Get available rooms between two dates but with the status of the room (New, Renovated, NeedRenovation...).


Routes for Customer role:

  • POST /api/bookings: Create a new booking with possibility to pay directly.
  • PUT /api/bookings/{bookingId}/cancel: Cancel a booking and refund the customer if it's possible.

Routes for Receptionist role:

  • PUT /api/bookings/{bookingId}/check-in: Check-in a booking so the room is not available anymore.
  • PUT /api/bookings/{bookingId}/check-out: Check-out a booking so the room need to be cleaned.
  • PUT /api/bookings/{bookingId}/cancel: Cancel a booking and refund the customer if he wants to, no rules apply for the receptionist.

๐Ÿ“– API Documentation

The API documentation is generated using NSwag and can be accessed at https://localhost:5001/api/index.html. It provides detailed information about the available endpoints, request/response models, and authentication requirements.

In addition, we have also implement Postman collection for testing the API endpoints. You can find the collection in the .docs/postman folder and import it into Postman to test the API endpoints.

๐Ÿ”’ Security

The application uses JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication and authorization. The JWT token is generated when a user logs in and is used to authenticate subsequent requests. The token contains the user's claims and is validated on each request to ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to access the requested resource.

The application uses role-based authorization to control access to different parts of the application. There are three roles defined in the application: Customer, Cleaner, and Receptionist. Each role has specific permissions and access rights to different parts of the application. You can find all roles defined in the src/Domain/Constants/Roles.cs file. The authorization is implemented using the Authorize attribute on the query/command, which checks if the user has the required role to access the resource. If the user does not have the required role, a 403 Forbidden response is returned. Also if the user is not authenticated, a 401 Unauthorized response is returned.

๐ŸŒ External Services

Email Service (IEmailService)

  • Send a e-mail when customer check-out: The application uses an external email service to send an email to the user when they check-out. You can find the usage of the email service in the src/Application/Bookings/EventHandlers/BookingCheckedOutEventHandler.cs file. In the Infrastructure layer, we have implemented a simple email service that logs the email content to the console just for demonstration purposes.

Payment Gateway (IPaymentGateway)

  • Process payment when customer book a room or check-in: The application uses an external payment gateway to process payments when a customer books a room or checks in. You can find the usage of the payment gateway in the src/Application/Bookings/Commands/CreateBookingCommandHandler.cs and src/Application/Bookings/Commands/CheckInBookingCommandHandler.cs files. In the Infrastructure layer, we have implemented a simple Stripe payment gateway that logs the payment details to the console just for demonstration purposes.

๐Ÿ•’ Task Scheduling (Quartz.NET)

The application uses Quartz.NET to schedule asynchronous tasks such as sending reminder emails to users.

  • Pre-stay notification to customers to inform them of the start of their stay (1 day before the start): : The application uses Quartz.NET to schedule a task (called "Job") that sends reminder emails to customers who have upcoming bookings. You can find the Quartz.NET configuration in the src/Infrastructure/Jobs/PreStayNotificationJobSetup.cs file and the job implementation in the src/Infrastructure/Jobs/PreStayNotificationJob.cs file. The job is scheduled to run every day at 8:00 AM.

โš™๏ธ Installation


  • .NET 8.0 SDK : You need to have .NET 8.0 SDK installed on your machine to run the application.
  • SQL Server LocalDB : You need to have SQL Server LocalDB installed on your machine to run the application (Not mandatory, you can use another database if you want but by default the application is configured to use SQL Server LocalDB).


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Ahmosys/hotel-management.git
  1. Navigate to the src/Web directory:
cd hotel-management/src/Web
  1. Run the application using the following command:
dotnet run
  1. Open your browser and navigate to https://localhost:5001/api/index.html?url=/api/specification.json to access the API documentation.

  2. You can also import the Postman collection from the .docs/postman folder to test the API endpoints.

โš ๏ธ NB: If you want to use another database, you can change the connection string in the appsettings.json file in the src/Web directory.

๐Ÿงช Tests

The application contains unit, functional and integration tests for the 3 layers (Application, Domain and Infrastructure). The tests are located in the tests/ directory and can be run using the following command:

dotnet test

๐Ÿค” Difficulties encountered

  • External services: Implementing external services such as email service and payment gateway was challenging due to the need to integrate with external APIs and services.

  • Domain services: Know when it's necessary to use domain services and how to implement them was challenging because it requires a good understanding of the business domain and the separation of concerns.

  • Payment Gateway: We had to implement a simple payment gateway with the source code provided by the teacher but we don't understand how to do this because his code was a external project and he don't define interface and we don't have the permission to modify the code. So it's a little bit tricky to implement this part. For now, we have created an interface (IPaymentGateway.cs) and we use the source code provided by the teacher (StripePaymentGateway.cs) to implement the interface. This fake Gateway logs the payment details to the console just for demonstration purposes. We don't know if it's the right way to do this but we have done our best to implement this part.

  • Exceptions handling: Implementing a consistent and robust exception handling strategy was challenging because it requires a good understanding of the application's error handling requirements and how to handle exceptions in a clean and structured way. We have used a CustomExceptionHandler to handle exceptions and return consistent error responses to the client with the help of ProblemDetails object. For domain exceptions, we have created custom exceptions that inherit from the base Exception class and implemented a custom exception middleware to handle domain exceptions and return appropriate error responses (400 Bad Request).

  • Files structure: You have maybe noticed that we have multiple directory for instance, in Domain layer we have a directory for Entities, another for ValueObjects, another for Repository etc. This structure work well because the project is small but in a big project it can be a little bit tricky to find the right file. If the project was bigger, we would define a structure per entity for instance, a directory for each entity that contains all the files related to this entity (Repository, Service, etc).

  • Clean Architecture: Implementing Clean Architecture was challenging because it requires a good understanding of the architecture and design patterns. That's why we have spent a lot of time reading and understanding the concepts before starting the implementation. That's not natural to think in terms of layers and separation of concerns when you are not used to it but it's a good practice to follow.

๐Ÿ” Hindsight and areas for improvement

  • Logging: Implement a more robust logging system to track application events and errors (Serilog).

  • Testing: Increase test coverage by adding more unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

  • Result Pattern: Implement a result pattern to handle errors and responses in a more consistent and structured way.

  • Domain services: Implement domain services to encapsulate complex business logic and improve separation of concerns (for now the business logic is directly in the targeted entities because of the simplicity of the project).

๐Ÿ“š Resources

  • Shoutout to Milan Jovanoviฤ‡, that man is a god, he helped us a lot to understand Clean Architecture via his good videos.

  • Big thanks to the site, deviq.com, that helped us understand the design patterns and the architecture.

  • Also for Steve Smith and Jason Taylor for their good articles and conferences about Clean Architecture.

  • Finally to Remi Henache for his courses on Clean Architecture.

๐Ÿ“ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

โœ๏ธ Authors


๐ŸŽฏ Clean Architcture API in C#/ASP.NET for hotel management.


License:MIT License


Language:C# 98.3%Language:HTML 1.7%