AhmedShaiea / JasperReportsIntegration

JasperReportsIntegration provides an interface to use the JasperReports reporting engine in an Oracle database application, specifically with Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX).

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What is the JasperReportsIntegration?

JasperReportsIntegration provides an interface to use the JasperReports reporting engine in an Oracle database application, specifically with Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX).

"The JasperReports Library is the world's most popular open source reporting engine. It is entirely written in Java and it is able to use data coming from any kind of data source and produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice and Word."

The main purpose is to provide a cost free alternative for high-fidelity printing / PDF generation with Oracle APEX. This integration kit allows to run JasperReports reports from within your Oracle APEX application.

How does it work?

This integration approach focuses on the integration with Jasper Reports, but is not limited to it. Using a generic URL-based approach, it can easily be extended to call any other reporting engine that provides a URL based interface for running reports, for example Oracle Reports, BIRT or Crystal Reports.

What are the parts of the integration?

The integration kit consists of the following components:

  • a J2EE application to call the specified report definition file, make a connection to the target database and return the generated report

    • This J2EE application (jri.war) is deployed in a standard J2EE container.

    • Also, all reports we want to use have to be copied to the J2EE server, so that they are accessible by the J2EE application. These Jasper Report definition files are usually created with the iReport designer or the newer Jaspersoft Studio, this is the most convenient way.

    • Finally, we need to configure the JNDI datasources in the J2EE server (or the application.properties file) to connect to our Oracle databases.

  • a PL/SQL interface which can you can use in your application (package XLIB_JASPERREPORTS)

    • This package essentially takes the parameters and constructs a URL for the J2EE application. This URL is then passed to the J2EE application via UTL_HTTP. Once the report is run, it will return the report as a BLOB. This BLOB can be displayed immediately, stored in the database or sent via Email.


First of all, we need to design the report. The preferred method is to use the newer Jaspersoft Studio (https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio/releases) to create the report definition file, but reports created with the older iReport designer will also work. We use a JDBC connection to connect to the target Oracle Schema and design the report. The report definition file is then copied into a specific directory on the J2EE server so that it can be used by the J2EE application .

Next we use the PL/SQL call interface in our APEX application to call the report and pass all required parameters to it.

One roundtrip ...

Once the user invokes the report generation functionality (by clicking on a link or a button), usually a PL/SQL process is invoked to call the report, e.g.:

  xlib_jasperreports.show_report (p_rep_name => :p5_rep_name,
                                  p_rep_format => :p5_rep_format,
                                  p_data_source => :p5_data_source,
                                  p_out_filename => :p5_out_filename,
                                  p_rep_locale => :p5_rep_locale,
                                  p_rep_encoding => :p5_rep_encoding,
                                  p_additional_params => :p5_additional_params);

  -- stop rendering of the current APEX page
  apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;

  when apex_application.e_stop_apex_engine then
    null; -- ok, stop engine raises exception, we can ignore that  

This will result in a URL like http://localhost:8080/JasperReportsIntegration/report?_repName=test&_repFormat=pdf&_dataSource=default&_outFilename=myTest.pdf&_repLocale=de_DE&_repEncoding=UTF-8&p_deptno=10

Within the J2EE server we have already defined a data source named default. For example this could be the HR schema in our target database.

The J2EE application will use a JDBC connection from the connection pool to connect to the schema HR and run the report named test.

Since the report format in our example is specified as PDF, the reporting engine will return a PDF document.

This PDF document will be returned as a BLOB and thus can be displayed directly in our application, stored in the database or sent via email.

Related Projects

You might want to check out the project JRI Publisher which uses JasperReportsIntegration as the foundation and builds infrastructure around it.

JRI Publisher is a Webmin module for installing, configuring, and managing JasperReportsIntegration.

JRI Publisher can serve as a stand-alone Oracle Reporting solution or to simply looking to get up and running quickly and easily with JasperReportsIntegration.

While JasperReportsIntegration was originally designed for Oracle APEX (and can be used for APEX), JRI Publisher does not require APEX or installation of the SQL Schema files. Thus it can be used with or without APEX.

In addition to Oracle, JRI Publisher includes one-click JNDI support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server

JRI Publisher takes just a few minutes to install and has been tested on CentOS 7 and 8 and Ubuntu 18.


Binary releases can be downloaded from the releases folder. There you can find the released binaries as well as pre-releases for testing in the field.

The following naming convention will be used for the provided binaries: JasperReportsIntegration-<project.version>-<jasperreportsVersion>.zip.

Legacy releases (up until version 2.4) can be downloaded here: https://www.opal-consulting.de/downloads/free_tools/JasperReportsIntegration/


System Requirements

The integration has no requirement on a specific operating system, it is widely used on Linux systems as well as on Windows. It is mainly developed on MacOS.

  • Oracle Database Release: The minimum requirement is the availability of the package UTL_HTTP. Thus the integration will work with all Oracle versions in which Oracle APEX can be installed, even Oracle XE (10g).

  • Oracle APEX Release: The minimum release for the test application is APEX 4.2. Aside from the test application there is no dependency on a specific Oracle APEX Release, therefore it should work with any Oracle APEX Release.

  • Disk Space: 150 MB of disk space.

  • J2EE Server: It is still compatible with the fairly old servlet specification 2.4 (Java JDK 1.8), thus the J2EE application should work in most J2EE servers, it even works with Apache Tomcat 5.5. See Apache Tomcat Versions for details.


In order to get you up and running in the shortest amount of time you can use the included Jetty J2EE server in the download. This is really useful for checking out the integration, for test and development environments. Typically in production environments, you can deploy it to your J2EE server of choice, i.e. Weblogic, Glassfish, Tomcat, etc.

You can find the quickstart instructions here.


You can find the complete installation instructions here.


If you are already using JasperReportsIntegration and simply want to upgrade it to the latest release, you can find the instructions here.

Integration and Usage

You can find the instructions here.


jasperreports.properties file

#	D. Aust		08.04.2015	New config parameter: 
#									- application.infoPageIsEnabled
# 2.6.1     D. Aust     15.09.2020  New config parameter: 
#                                   - application.ipAddressesAllowed

# Application properties (global)

# set the jndiPrefix, this is different for different
# containers, e.g. 
# for Glassfish: jndiPrefix=jdbc/
# for Tomcat   : jndiPrefix=java:comp/env/jdbc/

# infoPageIsEnabled will show the initial start page of the j2ee application
# including testing and the environment settings

# this parameter is limiting access to the integration for the 
# specified list of ip addresses, e.g.: 
# ipAddressListAllowed=,,
# if the list is empty, ALL addresses are allowed
# ipAddressesAllowed=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1

# JDBC datasource configuration
# http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/JDBC#Thin_driver
# type=jndi|jdbc

# Native JNDI datasource, to be configured in the application server
# name: jndi_test

# JDBC datasource configuration
# http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/JDBC#Thin_driver
# additional jdbc configurations, please uncomment

# Direct printing

# for debugging purposes does it make sense to display the 
# print dialog ON THE SERVER before printing. You can even cancel the 
# request through the print dialog
# DON'T do that in production (displayPrintDialog=true)!!!

# Save File on Server

# allow only certain directories on the server to write to

## Syntax for specifying properties: 
## http://commons.apache.org/configuration/userguide/howto_basicfeatures.html#Basic_features_and_AbstractConfiguration


Initially, JasperReportsIntegration did not implement a security strategy at all.

Nevertheless, it was always quite easy to implement security. By using a firewall we can prohibit access to the J2EE server and only allow communication between the Oracle database and the J2EE server. This way we easily implement all required authentication and authorization just within our APEX application.

Unfortunately, many people don't set things up this way and thus they use "security by obscurity". When you deploy it on the same outside-facing application server together with Oracle REST Data Services, you can circumvent any security measures implemented in your APEX application once you get the details of the call to the J2EE application like name of the datasource, report names and parameters.

Thus, over time some security features were implemented and more will follow in the future.

Currently, you can use the following features for improved security:

  • The info page of the J2EE application shows lots of important information like version information and current configuration values. For production environments this can quickly become a security issue. You can turn off the info page by specifying the parameter infoPageIsEnabled=true in the application.properties file, see details here.
  • Restrict access based on IP address: You typically want to restrict access to the JasperReportsIntegration J2EE application. Only the database server should be allowed to call it. You can can restrict access to certain ip addresses by specifying the parameter ipAddressesAllowed=... in the application.properties file, see details here.
  • You should encrypt the passwords in the configuration file application.properties. You can do this using the command line script bin\encryptPasswords.cmd or bin/encryptPasswords.sh respectively.
  • You should delete the directory reports/demo because it contains sample reports, particulary one that works on the user objects installed in the schema.

Accessing JasperReportsIntegration through SSL

When you have SSL enabled on your application server then your url to the reporting services will look like https://server:port/jri.

In order for you to use calls via utl_http or apex_web_service to an ssl secured service, you need to set up a wallet and import the certificate chain of the target service.

The following blogpost details quite nicely how to set up your Oracle wallet: https://fuzziebrain.com/content/id/1720/.

Based on that information I have created simple instructions as an example for my local server vm1 using the url https://vm1/jri. The default port for https is 443, thus the actual url is : https://vm1:443/jri if you want to be more explicit.

Download certificate from server

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect vm1:443 </dev/null
  • copy lines from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- until -----END CERTIFICATE----- into a file, e.g. vm1.cer

    • Don't use the first one ... only the rest of the chain.
    • UNLESS you use a self-signed certificate, then the certificate is also the ROOT certificate and thus needs to be imported, too.
  • Also, make sure the common name in the certificate matches the name of the server you are using in the call to utl_http or apex_web_service

# create autologin wallet and set password
orapki wallet create -wallet ./wallet -pwd YourWalletPasswd123 -auto_login

# add the certificate to the wallet
# in this case when accessing a local server with a self-signed certificate, 
# we MUST import the server certificate itself, because it is also the ROOT
# certificate. In all other cases you need to import each certificate of the
# certificate chain BUT NOT the server certificate itself

orapki wallet add -wallet ./wallet -trusted_cert -cert "vm1.cer" -pwd YourWalletPasswd123

# display the certificates that are contained in the wallet
orapki wallet display -wallet ./wallet


[oracle@localhost create_wallet3]$ orapki wallet display -wallet ./wallet
Oracle PKI Tool Release - Production
Copyright (c) 2004, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requested Certificates: 
User Certificates:
Trusted Certificates: 
Subject:        CN=vm1
Subject:        CN=dietmarausted48
Subject:        CN=GTS CA 1O1,O=Google Trust Services,C=US

In our case we need to make sure, that we have an entry with the common name vm1 (CN=vm1).

Run test in Oracle

  • Make sure you create a new session to the database, because the wallet information is cached on the session level.
  • Thus, for APEX you would need to restart ORDS.
-- calling the service using http
select apex_web_service.make_rest_request('http://vm1:8080/jri','GET') from dual;

-- calling the service using https and the wallet
select apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
        p_url         => 'https://vm1/jri/',
        p_http_method => 'GET',
        p_wallet_path => 'file:/u01/app/dietmar/create_wallet3/wallet',
        p_wallet_pwd  => 'YourWalletPasswd123') as r
  from dual;

I am using apex_web_service in this example but you could do it just as well using utl_http.

Using additional fonts

In a jasper report (.jrxml file) you can use several fonts for displaying labels/texts. These fonts may not be always available on different platforms/OS. (e.g. There are some MS fonts which are unavailable on linux machines unless you install them manually).

Some fonts are bundled with jasperreports itself into a jar and make them work irrespective of underlying platform. Those are the DejaVuSans fonts. They are always available on all platforms because they are included in the file jasperreports-fonts-<version>.jar.

More information can be found here:

More details will follow later ... tbd



External Documentation Training

Legacy documentation

Previously, the documentation was provided using html. This is still part of the distribution. This is to be considered deprecated and will be removed in future releases. The documentation has been moved to GitHub using the markdown format.

You can find the current html documentation here.

Change Log / Release Notes

The ReleaseNotes.md contain all the major updates for each release. The complete set of issues can be found on Milestones page.


The software is provided for free by OPAL Consulting (Dietmar Aust).


In case you want to contribute to the project, you can find instructions here on how to set up your development environment how supply patches to the software or documentation.

It also includes instructions on how to upgrade the jasperreports libraries which are included in the J2EE application.

One could say that the project consists of two main aspects:

  • the JasperReportsIntegration software itself (the Java war file and the pl/sql apis)
  • the jasperreports libraries, see jasperreports libraries

Often a new release is required when a new version of the libraries is available. This can now easily be done by everybody. You are no longer dependent on the main developer.


For this project we are using a "BSD 3-Clause License", you can find the full license text here.

The BSD style license is very different from the GNU Public License. While the GNU license puts all sorts of restrictions on what you can do with the software, BSD-style licenses say "Hey, do what you like, we don't care. Just let people know we wrote it, and don't sue us." That's really all there is to it.

The first paragraph with the numbered items says you can do what you like with the code, as long as you keep our name on it. And you cannot use our name(s) for advertising.

The second paragraph, all in capital letters, is a standard legal boilerplate notification that tries to make it difficult for anyone to successfully sue us over the software.

FAQ / Troubleshooting

  • When using "headless" Linux servers (https://www.howtogeek.com/660841/what-is-a-headless-server/, ), you might encounter error messages regarding awt like the following: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment".

    • Solution: You need to configure your application server (e.g. Tomcat) in headless mode. You can get more information here: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/InstallationTomcat/

    • For Windows, create a file named setenv.bat in the directory %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin. It will be called from catalina.bat:

      set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djava.awt.headless=true
    • For *nix systems, create a file named setenv.sh in the directory $TOMCAT_HOME/bin. It will be called from catalina.sh:

      export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true"
  • Enable debug messages

    • Edit the file conf/log4j.properties and change
        # opal-consulting logging
        # opal-consulting logging
    • Restart the application server
    • Then you can find the log entries in the file logs/JasperReportsIntegration.log.
  • Error connecting to Oracle Cloud Database on Windows:

    This is weird, you might get one of the following errors:

    Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "host:port:sid"


    Dez 15, 2020 1:14:00 PM oracle.net.resolver.EZConnectResolver parseExtendedProperties
     SCHWERWIEGEND: Extended settings parsing failed.
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid character at 32 : \
      at oracle.net.resolver.EZConnectResolver.parseExtendedProperties(EZConnectResolver.java:393)
      at oracle.net.resolver.EZConnectResolver.parseExtendedSettings(EZConnectResolver.java:366)

    when using a JDBC url like:


    You can see the details and multiple workarounds here: daust#68 .

    The simplest workaround is to replace all \ with /, e.g.:

  • Error in APEX: Unexpected token % in JSON at position 0

    When you create a button to call a pl/sql process you might encounter the error message:

    1 error has occurred
    Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token % in JSON at position 0

    The solution is to change the setting Advanced/Reload on Submit: Only for success to Always.

Support / Forum

There is a FORUM for getting help here: https://gitq.com/daust/JasperReportsIntegration. Please be as specific as possible:

  • Error Message
  • Steps to reproduce
  • Operating system of the application server and version (e.g. Linux Redhat 7.x)
  • Application server and version (e.g. Apache Tomcat/8.0.23)
  • JasperReportsIntegration version (e.g. JasperReportsIntegration-2.6.0-6.14.0 )
  • Possibly logfiles of Apache Tomcat
  • Log entries from xlib_logs for making the url call using utl_http

Also, when you encounter issues that you suspect are bugs and/or want to request enhancements to the software, please enter the issues here.


JasperReportsIntegration provides an interface to use the JasperReports reporting engine in an Oracle database application, specifically with Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX).

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


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