AhmedElgaidi / typescript-with-elzero-web-school

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Typescript with Ezlero web school

  1. What is typescript? why do we need it?
  2. Create configuration and watch files
  3. Statically vs dynamically typed languages
  4. Type annotations (signature) = (Explicitly define data type)
  5. Type annotation with array
  6. Type annotation with multi-dimensinal array
  7. Type annotation with object
  8. Type annotation with function
  9. optional and default paramters in functions
  10. Function rest parameter
  11. Type annotation with anonymous and arrow function
  12. Type alias
  13. Literal type
  14. Tuple data type
  15. Void and Never
  16. enum (Associated numbers to constants
  17. Interface
  18. Interface with "extends"
  19. Class type annotation
  20. public vs private vs protected
  21. class + interface
  22. Generics => Reusable code



Language:TypeScript 65.3%Language:JavaScript 34.7%