AhmedElgaidi / typescript-training-3

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TypeScript with iLECHUNO:

1) Any statically typed language follows one of two ways to assing data types to values

1) Implicit Way:

  • It's called "Type annotation"
  • It's When telling typescript what exactly data type to use with variables!!
let userName: string = "Ahmed Elgaidi";
const age: number = 23;
let skills: string[] = ["web development", "mobile development"];

2) Explicit Way:

  • It's called "Type Inference"
  • It's like an auto mode for use, the typscript checks the given value and based on it It'll assume that it's type of ex. string
let userName = "Ahmed";

under the hoode it would be "Type Annotation" for use.

2) Data Types:

1) Primitive Data Types:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • undefined
  • null
  • void

2) Reference Data Types:

  • function
  • class
  • object
  • array

3) Data type annotation:

Check the playground code to see examples

4) Interfacs:

  • It's like a schema you can use it in different places!

5) OOP:

  • Class
  • Inheritance (Inherit properites an method from another class)
  • Passing args into constructor (Cleaner way of assinging a dynamic value to class intances)
  • Modifiers
    • public: You can access anywhere (current class, child class, instances), anytime
    • private: you can only access within the same class
    • protected: you can access only from same class and child classes
  • Accessors
    • get:
      • It makes you access a private (propery/ method) from public
      • Benefit: you only can access it - No modifications!!!
    • set:
      • It makes you modify a private property
      • Benefit: You only can change it just values previously determined!!!
  • readonly: access only from outside (the same concept of get accessor)
  • static: you add this to whatever property/ method you want and you can get access to it without creating a new instances of this class!! (Really helpfull)
  • static: to accesss a property/ method of a class without creating an instance of it.
  • abstract:
    • It's just a blue print for being extended by other classes
    • You can't create instances of this class!!

6) Modules& namespaces:

  • Modules: (import & export)
  • namespace: It's actually an object where you put your variables/ functions that you want to export and import them somewhere using the object notation.

7) Generics:

The idea is to make code generic to be reusable as much as possible!

  • Generic functions
  • Generic classes
  • generic interfaces Used especially when passing certain object as a parameter to a function



Language:TypeScript 100.0%