Ahmed512w / Item_Catalog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Item Catalog App

Building an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.

System setup

This project makes use of Udacity's Linux-based virtual machine (VM) configuration which includes all of the necessary software to run the application.

  1. Download Vagrant and install.
  2. Download Virtual Box and install.
  3. Download the VM configuration file FSND-Virtual-Machine.zip.

Run these commands from the terminal in the folder where your vagrant is installed in:

  1. vagrant up to start up the VM.
  2. vagrant ssh to log into the VM.
  3. cd /vagrant to change to your vagrant directory.
  4. git clone https://github.com/Ahmed512w/Item_Catalog.git to Clone this repository
  5. python finalproject.py to run the application.


- database_setup.py has the classes for the databas_tables: User / Category / MenuItem

Routes & function in project.py

- routes and functions for login google:
    -- @app.route('/login/') - function showLogin() 
    -- @app.route('/gconnect', methods=['POST']) - function gconnect()
    -- @app.route('/disconnect') - function gdisconnect()
- JSON APIs to view Category Information:
    -- @app.route('/category/<int:category_id>/menu/JSON') - function categoryMenuJSON(category_id)
    -- @app.route('/category/<int:category_id>/item/<int:menu_id>/JSON') - function menuItemJSON(category_id, menu_id)
    -- @app.route('/category/JSON') - function catalogJSON()
- routes and functions for Item Catalog App:
    -- Show catalog: @app.route('/') / @app.route('/catalog/') - function showCatalog()
    -- Show a Category Items: @app.route('/category/<int:category_id>/items/') - function showMenu(category_id)
    -- Show an item description: @app.route('/category/<int:category_id>/item/<int:menuitem_id>/') - function showMenuItem(category_id, menuitem_id)
    -- Create a new menu item from the page of latest items: @app.route('/category/item/new/',methods=['GET','POST']) - function newMenuItem()
    -- Create a new menu item from the page of specified category: @app.route('/category/<int:category_id>/item/new/',methods=['GET','POST']) -             function newMenuItemWithCat(category_id)
    -- Edit a menu item: @app.route('/category/menu/<int:menuitem_id>/edit', methods=['GET','POST']) - function editMenuItem(menuitem_id)
    -- Delete a menu item: @app.route('/category/item/<int:menuitem_id>/delete', methods = ['GET','POST']) - function deleteMenuItem(menuitem_id)
    -- Disconnect based on provider: @app.route('/disconnect') - function disconnect()

Static Folder:

- styles.css has the required css for the html files

Templates Folder: html files:

    - publiccatalog 
    - publicmenu
    - publicmenuitem
    - header
    - login 
    - majn
    - nav
    - catalog
    - menu 
    - menuitem 
    - newmenuitem 
    - deletemenuitem
    - editmenuitem

Another files:

- client_secrets.json: for the login processes with google



Language:Python 45.6%Language:HTML 44.7%Language:CSS 9.7%