Ahmed-Soli / laravel-app-devops

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Table of content

  1. Devops Challenge
  2. Evaluation Criteria
  3. Architecture
  4. Phase 1 ( How to run the project Locally using Docker)
  5. Phase 2 ( Containerizing the 3tier web app Using Docker)
  6. Phase 3 ( Building CI to push the 3tier web app to dockerhub using Jenkins)
  7. Phase 4 ( Deploying the 3tier web app with Kubernetes using Deployment, Services and Ingress)
  8. Phase 5 ( Deploying the 3tier web app with Helm Charts)
  9. Phase 6 ( Building CD of the 3tier web app Using ArgoCD and Helm Charts)
  10. Phase 7 ( How to test the 3tier web app from anywhere )
  11. Time for some Screen Shots

Devops Challenge


You have been tasked with deploying a new application in a containerized environment using Docker and Kubernetes.


Your task is to design and implement a solution that meets the following requirements:

  • Setup a sample web application. For example, a basic PHP web app using Laravel.
  • The application must have 3 or more components. For example: A database, a cache service, and a backend.
  • Containerize it using Docker.
  • Use Kubernetes to manage the lifecycle of the containers, including deployment, scaling and management.
  • Deploy the application using Helm.
  • Implement continuous integration and delivery pipelines. Use the tool of your choice. Using Gitlab CI is a plus. Expected Outcome:
  • A design diagram for the application and how it is distributed inside your cluster.
  • Docker files, CI/CD configuration, Helm chart, and Kubernetes manifests.
  • A README that contains:
  • How to deploy the application. Including all the steps needed to have the application up and running on a Kubernetes cluster.
  • A listing of the assumptions made and how you prioritized the requirements.
  • A summary of the testing process, including any issues encountered and how they were resolved.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation will be based on the completeness and quality of the solution, including the following criteria:

  • Correctness: Does the solution meet all the requirements listed above?
  • Quality: Well-organized, easy to read, and maintainable.
  • Documentation: Is there clear and concise documentation provided for the solution, including instructions for installation and troubleshooting?


Architecture Diagram

  1. A user opens the frontend on localhost:3000
  2. clicks on ADD Todo and a small window will pop up asking for the title of todo item, a descrption and the due data
  3. and once the user clicks on Save a request is sent to the api backend
  4. which then stores the data in a mongo db
  5. and the saved info gets displayed to the user.

Phase 1 ( How to run the project Locally using Docker)

Phase 2 ( containerizing the web app using Docker)

  • You can build a docker image using this command and tag it using the -t

    docker build -f ./frontend/Dockerfile -t ahmedsoliman202/3tier-frontend-app .
    docker build -f ./backend/Dockerfile -t ahmedsoliman202/3tier-backend-app .
  • Before running the backend-app and frontend-app containers, We have to

    • 1- create a network to be used by the 3 containers using this command
    docker network create mongodb
    • 2- run a db container first, passing all the required Environment Variables, voluem, network and right ports
    docker run -d  --name mongo  -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -v mongodb_data:/data/db --network mongodb mongo
  • After building the backend-app and frontend-app images, it is time to test them, passing the required Environment Variables, network and right ports

    docker run -d --name backend  -p 3001:3001 --network mongodb 3tier-backend-app
    docker run -d --name frontend -p 3000:3000 --network mongodb 3tier-frontend-app
  • Wrote a docker-compose.yml file to eaisly spin up the 3 tier web app containers all together with one command

    • if you are using a Unix/Linux OS then docker-compose doesn't come installed with Docker so you have to install it manually from here
    • You can run a docker compose file using the following command
      docker-compose up
  • Side Note:

    • once the backend app starts, it tries to connect to the db, that's why we launch the db container first but in case of docker-compose. both backend-app and db containers start immediately, and the db container haven't loaded yet so the backend-app crashes and to fix this issue, I implemented the following approache:
      • Added a depends_on tag in the backend-app section to force the container to wait till the db container is up and running and then start the backend container
    • I used -f with docker build to specifiy the location of Dockerfile and . to specify the location which includes the files Dockerfile deals with

Phase 3 ( building CI to push the web app to dockerhub using Jenkins)

  • Make sure to have Jenkins installed using their website here .

  • You have to rename the docker image to include you dockerhub username

    • You can rename a docker image using this command
    docker tag 3tier-backend-app:latest ahmedsoliman202/3tier-backend-app:latest
    docker tag 3tier-frontend-app:latest ahmedsoliman202/3tier-frontend-app:latest
    • You can push a docker image to dockerhub using this command
    docker push ahmedsoliman202/3tier-backend-app:latest
    docker push ahmedsoliman202/3tier-frontend-app:latest
  • Backend created image can be found here backend-image:latest

  • Frontend created image can be found here frontend-image:latest

  • Side Note:

    • in order to use Jenkins to build and push docker images the host pc must have docker installed and in my case I accessed the Jenkins container and mounted docker socket volume into the Jenkins container to enable the execution of Docker commands on the host machine
    • another nice alternative is using this docker image which has light Jenkins image
    docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock liatrio/jenkins-alpine

Phase 4 ( deploying the web app with Kubernetes using Deployment, Services and Ingress)

  • Make sure you have kubectl,minikube installed from the Kubernetes docs

    • You also must have a minikube driver installed, in my case I used Docker Desktop
    • In order to interact with the minikube cluster you have have to start it using this command
      minikube start
  • Since the backend-app depends on the db, We have to apply db kubernetes manifest first using this command

     k create -f ./kubernetes_mainfests/db-deployment.yaml
    • To see if the pod, pv, pvc were created successfully and running, using this command to list all the pods in a cluster node
      kubectl get pods
      kubectl get pv
      kubectl get pvc
  • Second step is to deploy the web app using this command

     k create -f ./kubernetes_mainfests/backend-deployment.yaml
     k create -f ./kubernetes_mainfests/frontend-deployment.yaml
  • I defined a k8 Service resource in backend-deployment.yaml and frontend-deployment.yaml of type NodePort so that I can Expose the web app to the public

    • In order to access the web app publicly, We have to get the cluster ip using this command
      minikube ip
    • I have set the NodePort to 30008 so we can use the cluster ip along with the nodeport to test the app, The url will be something like
    • Another approach will be to ask minikube to expose the service and open it in the browser using the follwing command
      minikube service frontend-app-svc
  • I defined a k8 Ingress resource in ingress.yaml of path type Prefix and type Simple Fanout so that I can Expose the web app to the public and access it using human readable host like robusta.io and ingress will take care of routing the traffic based on the URI to the right servies and hence to the right pods

    • Ingress Diagram

    • In order to deploy the ingress manifest, We can use this command

      k create -f ./kubernetes_mainfests/ingress.yaml
    • Now we need to add a rule in minikube to route the traffic using minikube ip ( to the host (robusta.io) which we added in the ingress as follows:

      minikube ssh
      sudo /bin/sh -c 'echo " robusta.io" >> /etc/hosts'
    • to test the web app, within the minikube ssh session we can query the URLS of our 3tier web app

      curl robusta.io/
      curl robusta.io/backend
      curl robusta.io/db
  • Side Note:

    • I have set the replicas in the backend-deployment.yaml and frontend-deployment.yaml to 5 to achieve high availability of the service.
    • I have defined a PersistentVolume resource in db-deployment.yaml to achieve volume persistence.

Phase 5 ( deploying the web app with Helm Charts)

  • Make sure to have Helm installed from official docs.

  • You can create a Helm Chart using this command

    helm create chartnamehere
  • You can verify the helm charts before deploying by generating the template using this command

    helm template --output-dir ./charts-test-templates --values=./helm_charts/backend-app/values.yaml ./helm_charts/backend-app/
  • Like we did in kubernetes, We will deploy db first using this command

    helm install mongo --values=./helm_charts/db/values.yaml ./helm_charts/db
  • Then we deploy web app using this command

    helm install backend-app --values=./helm_charts/backend-app/values.yaml ./helm_charts/backend-app/
    helm install frontend-app --values=./helm_charts/frontend-app/values.yaml ./helm_charts/frontend-app/
  • Side Note:

    • I have defined a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource in hpa.yaml to achieve autoscaling and high availability of the service.

Phase 6 ( building CD of the web app Using ArgoCD and Helm Charts)

  • First thing to do before installing Argocd is to create a kubernete namespace for argocd using this command

    kubectl create namespace argocd
  • Make sure to have ArgoCD installed from official docs.

    • You can get the Url where Argocd is hosted, it will be something like by using this command
      minikube service argocd-server -n argocd --url
    • Default username is admin and the password can be loacated using this command
      kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -
  • To interact with Argocd, You have to install ArgoCD CLI:

    • from ArgoCD CLI official docs
    • Or you can download the release from their github release page and make sure the version you installed matches the release version.
    • After installing argocd cli, You need to login because the cli doesn't know where to find the instance running argocd
      • Once Argocd Cli is installed, We login to Argocd using the service url from above by using this command
      argocd login
      • A good place to find reliable examples on how to use the CLi, creating applications, Using UI, can be found Offcial Docs
  • Like we did in kubernetes & Helm We will deploy db first using this command

    argocd app create -f ./argocd_files/db-mainfest.yaml
  • Then we deploy web app through Argocd Cli using this command

    argocd app create -f ./argocd_files/backend-mainfest.yaml
    argocd app create -f ./argocd_files/frontend-mainfest.yaml
  • We can access the web app, it will be something like using this command

    minikube service backend-app-svc -n argocd --url
  • Side Note:

    • If you are using windows, make sure to rename the downloaded argocd cli from argocd-windows-amd64.exe to argocd.exe
    • Aslo make sure to add argocd.exe location to windows environment variable path

Phase 7 ( How to test the 3tier web app from anywhere )

  • I'm hosting the containerized 3tier web app on an AWS EC2 instatnce.
  • Frontend app can be accessed through this URL:
  • Backend app endpoint can be accessed through this URL:

Time for some Screen Shots

  • Running the web app locally 05-app
  • Testing The app while it's running through docker-compose 10-app-in-action
  • Building a Docker image 08-docker-build.png
  • Starting backend-app container and db-container through docker-compose 09-docker-compose
  • Running Jenkins stages to build and push the docker image to Dockerhub 01-jenkins
  • Jenkins successfully built and pushed the docker image to Dockerhub 03-jenkins-output
  • Docker image repo on Dockerhub 02-docker-hub
  • Deploying web app and db on kubernetes using minikube cluster 06-minikube 9-minikube_app_deployment
  • Deploying backend-app and db on kubernetes using Helm charts 07-helm-charts



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