Ahmed-Abou-Emran / Vanilla-projects

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vanilla JavaScript Projects

This repository contains various projects made using vanilla JavaScript.



Bankist-app is a web application that simulates a banking app, allowing users to view their account balance, transfer money between accounts, request loans, and close their account. It was created as a practice project to demonstrate advanced JavaScript concepts such as DOM manipulation, event handling, and data manipulation using arrays and objects.

Bankist-app Screenshot


Guess My Number is a simple game where the player has to guess a secret number between two numbers bassed on difficulty levels. The game provides feedback to the player on whether their guess is too high or too low, and the player has several attempts depending upon difficulty levels to guess the correct number.

guess a number

Project 3: Random Game

A simple two-player game where players take turns rolling dice and trying to reach a score of 100 to win. The first player to reach 100 points wins the game. If a player rolls a 1, they lose their current score and it becomes the next player's turn. The player can also choose to hold their current score, which adds it to their total score and it becomes the next player's turn.

Random Game

Interactive Canvas

interactive Canvas

Interactive Particles

Interactive Particles

How to Run the Projects

To run each project, simply clone this repository and open the corresponding HTML file in your web browser.

git clone https://github.com/Ahmed-Abou-Emran/Vanilla-projects.git cd Vanilla-projects



Language:HTML 44.5%Language:JavaScript 33.7%Language:CSS 21.9%