AhmadMuzakkir / demo-gokit-kafka-grpc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go-Kit, Kafka, gRPC

This project shows an example how to use Go-Kit, Kafka, and gRPC to implement a simple messaging server.

The system should provide two services:

  1. Store messages coming from the stream and gRPC service.
  2. Get messages.

BadgerDB is used as the database. I choose BadgerDB, because it's a simple embedded key-value database.


There are some improvements that can be made.

  • Support more than 1 partition. Currently, only 1 partition is supported.
  • Batch the database inserts.
  • Add more unit tests.

How to run


  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Engine

You can use docker compose to run the server and all the required services.

Note on the Dockerfile:
The Dockerfile will run go build with -mod vendor.
So, please make sure your run go mod vendor first, before building the image.

To simply things, you can use provided commands in the Makefile, as explained below.

To run the docker-compose.

$ make run-docker

Assuming default configurations, these addresses will be available in the host:

  • GRPC: localhost:8001
  • Kafka: localhost:9092
  • Zookeper: localhost:2181

To clean up, you can do:

$ make clean-docker 

Using CLI

To interact with the server, you can use the provided CLI, located in cmd/cli.

The following examples assume default configurations, you can change as you need:

Get the first 10 messages using gRPC.

$ go run cmd/cli/main.go grpc -a localhost:8001 get -limit 10

Send a message with username = alice, message = 'hello bob' using gRPC.

$ go run cmd/cli/main.go grpc -a localhost:8001 send -u alice hello bob

Send a message with username = bob, message = 'hello alice' to Kafka.

$ go run cmd/cli/main.go kafka -a localhost:9092 send -u bob hello alice



Language:Go 82.1%Language:Shell 15.4%Language:Makefile 1.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%