AhmadJTayeb / F2Chat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Description

This project contains the code and dataset for our ASE 2021 paper Automating Developer Chat Mining.

We conduct an in-depth analysis to identify the potential information categories of developer discussion threads that may satisfy the needs of various Open Source Software (OSS) stakeholders. We build a hierarchical taxonomy with nine information categories:

  1. Problem Report
    • Programming Problem
    • Library Problem
    • Documentation Problem
  2. Information Retrieval
    • Programming Information
    • Library Information
    • Documentation Information
    • General Information
  3. Project Management
    • Technical Discussion
    • Task Progress

You can refer to the paper for definitions and examples.

We collect chat data from three active chatrooms on Gitter: Angular, Spring-boot and Deeplearning4j. We preprocess the raw chatdata (e.g., thread disentanglement). We build a dataset with 2,959 discussion threads and labelled using the defined taxonomy. The annotation process cost over 480 person hours. The dataset is in angular.json, spring-boot.json and deeplearning4j.json.

We further propose a novel classification approach, namely F2Chat, which combines handcrafted non-textual Features with deep textual Features extracted by neural models. Specifically, F2Chat has two stages:

  • Stage one: Pretrain the Textual feature encoder using the siamese architecuture (F2Chat-t)
  • Stage two: Facilitate in-depth fusion of both textual and non-textual features.


  1. OS: Ubuntu

    Memory: minimum 32G

    GPU: minimum 16G, e.g., NVIDIA Tesla T4, NVIDIA Tesla V100. optimal >=24G, e.g., NVIDIA GTX 3090

  2. Language: Python (v3.8)

  3. CUDA: 11.2

  4. Python packages:

    Please refer the official docs for the use of these packages (especially AllenNLP).

  5. Setup:

    We use the approach proposed by Shi et al. (Detection of Hidden Feature Requests from Massive Chat Messages via Deep Siamese Network, ICSE 2020), named FRMiner, as our baseline. The artifacts of their work are archived at link. However, their task is slightly defferent from ours. We adapt their code to our task, and you can find the adapted code here.

    Please download Glove, then unzip this file and put glove.6B.50d.txt into ./F2Chat/data folder.

    We use BERT-Small from HuggingFaces Transformer Libarary (link). You don't need to download the pretrained model by yourself as it will be downloaded the first time you run the code.


Dataset has 2,959 discussion threads from three chatrooms on Gitter in total. The annotation process cost over 480 person hours. The dataset is in angular.json, spring-boot.json and deeplearning4j.json. Follow is a sample:

    "id": 7,
    "project": "angular",
    "intention": "documentation_information",
    "messages": [
            "id": "5cf781f782c2dc79a553bbf3",
            "text": "This article looks to be still updated https://netbasal.com/when-to-unsubscribe-in-angular-d61c6b21bad3 ? ",
            "time": "2019-06-05 08:48:55",
            "index": 0,
            "user": "xavadu_twitter"
            "id": "5cf782da702b7e5e76312951",
            "text": "@xavadu_twitter it seems still up to date to me.",
            "time": "2019-06-05 08:52:42",
            "index": 1,
            "user": "jocelynlecomte"
            "id": "5cf782e7e41fe15e7515db10",
            "text": "thank you @jocelynlecomte ",
            "time": "2019-06-05 08:52:55",
            "index": 2,
            "user": "xavadu_twitter"

The meaning of the attributes are:

  • id: threads in the same chatroom have unique id. threads in different chatrooms may have the same id
  • project: the chatroom where the thread is from
  • intention: labelled information types according to our defined taxonomy
  • messages: messages in the discussion thread (already disentangled).
    • id: id prvided by Gitter API. Each message has unique id
    • text: plain text
    • time: sent time
    • index: relative position w.r.t. the first message of the thread
    • user: name of the user who sent the message

Message attributes except index are provided by Gitter API. You can read the official docs for more details. The attribute of index added after thread disentanglement for support of certain non-textual features.

File Organization

There are two files (for testing) and three directoris (Baseline - FRMiner, F2Chat - our proposed two-stage model, F2Chat-s - ablation study).


  • predict.py: testing of Baseline, F2Chat-t (stage one) and F2Chat-s (ablation study).

  • predict_stage2.py: testing of F2Chat (stage two).


  • Baseline/: code of FRMiner. We adapt it to our task and data. The changes are explained in detail through code comments.

    • reader.py: dataset reader for FRMiner
    • model.py: FRMiner model
    • siamese_metric.py: validation metric for training siamese network
    • util.py: util fuctions, e.g., replacement of special tokens, generation of train set and test set.
    • config.json: a json file including settings. Please refer to official docs of AllenNLP for more details.
  • F2Chat/: code of F2Chat-t (stage one) and F2Chat (stage two). Datasets used in the experiments.

    • reader.py: dataset reader for F2Chat-t

    • model.py: F2Chat-t model

    • config.json: a json file including settings for F2Chat-t

    • reader_stage2.py: dataset reader for F2Chat

    • model_stage2.py: F2Chat model

    • config_stage2.json: a json file including settings for F2Chat

    • siamese_metric.py: validation metric for training siamese network

    • util.py: util fuctions, e.g., replacement of special tokens, generation of train set and test set.

    • data/: all the datasets (in json format)

      • angular.json: 989 threads from Angular room on Gitter.
      • spring-boot.json: 985 threads from Spring-boot room on Gitter.
      • deeplearning4j.json: 985 threads from Deeplearning4j room on Gitter.

      We use fold 0 of deeplearning4j as an example. All the datasets used in the experiments can be generated using functions in util.py. <dataset>_1.json is the corresponding dataset with handcrafted non-textual features.

  • F2Chat_s/: code of F2Chat-s. This is for our ablation study. F2Chat-s Simultaneously train both textual and non-textual encoders using siamese network.

    • reader.py: dataset reader.
    • model.py: F2Chat-s model
    • siamese_metric.py: validation metric for training siamese network
    • util.py: util fuctions, e.g., replacement of special tokens, generation of train set and test set.
    • config.json: a json file including settings.

Train & Test

Open terminal in the parent folder and run allennlp train <config file> -s <serialization path> -f --include-package <package name>. Please refer to official docs of AllenNLP for more details.

For example, with allennlp train F2Chat/config.json -s F2Chat/out/ -f --include-package F2Chat, you can get the output folder at F2Chat/out/ and log information showed on the console. There are three packages (i.e., Baseline, F2Chat and F2Chat_s) available, with each one corresponds to a model.

For test, please follow the comments in predict.py and predict_stage2.py. You will get Precision, Recall and F1-score for each categorey and average metrics weighted by Support. All the metrics <project>_metrics_<fold>.json and detailed results of each sample <project>_results_<fold>.json are in ./<package name>/data/.



Language:Python 100.0%