Agoric / safe-modules

Building the infrastructure for safe JavaScript modules running in SES on Realms

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Safe JavaScript Modules

by Mark S. Miller, Darya Melicher, Kate Sills, JF Paradis


The event-stream incident showed that using third-party modules leaves application developers widely vulnerable to malicious attacks. This proposal outlines a significantly safer way to write and load modules, to the point of preventing similar malicious attacks entirely.

The goal of this proposal is enforce the Principle of Least Authority (POLA) on all imported modules, meaning that the modules should only be given the authority that they need to accomplish their tasks and no more. To accomplish this goal, we must be able to isolate modules from each other, and to cut off access to powerful resources such as the file system or network, except as legitimately needed.


Most people don't realize it, but JavaScript already has a very useful concept for code isolation: a realm. A realm is, roughly, the environment in which code gets executed. For instance, in a browser context, there is one realm per webpage. Thus, for a long time, one way of isolating third-party JavaScript was to isolate it in a same-origin iframe. But using iframes is clunky, and being able to create new realms without having the overhead of creating new webpages would be a major win for code isolation.

The tc39 proposal Realms is an API for explicitly creating and manipulating such realms. Thus, the Realms API is the foundation of our plan for safe modules.

How the Realms API works

To be precise, a realm consists of:

  • The set of objects that must exist before code starts running. These objects, such as Object, Object.prototype, and Array.prototype.push, are called the primordials [1].
  • A global object, global scope, and global lexical scope. When code uses a variable name that it does not define, the variable name is looked up in these containing global scopes.

Creating a new root realm creates a new set of primordials as well as a new global object and global scope.

A root realm can be an almost perfect sandbox. At the moment of creation, the creator of a root realm has the only reference into the root realm. The root realm is otherwise fully isolated from the rest of the world. It has no ability to cause effects to the world outside itself. Aside from the grandfathered-in exceptions of and new Date() (see below), it has no abilities to sense effects from the world outside itself. Malicious code loaded into an isolated root realm cannot do any significant damage. However, with the Realms proposal alone, there is no practical way to interact safely with such potentially malicious code.

The code that creates a new root realm can add its own objects to that root realm's global, providing initial authority of its own design to the code that will run in that root realm. In this way, we enable some JavaScript code (that creating and customizing a root realm) to act as an arbitrary host to other JavaScript code (that running within the root realm). To the code within the root realm, these authority bearing objects that it finds in its global scope are as-if its host objects. Using the realms API, code on any platform can run other code within an emulation of any other platform.

Featherweight compartments

The Realms API allows you to create another type of realm, known as a featherweight compartment. Rather than duplicating its root realms' primordials, a featherweight compartment shares them, making it much lighter than creating a new root realm. While it shares the primordials, each featherweight compartment has its global object, global scope, and its own named evaluators, the eval function and the Function constructor, that evaluate code in that compartment's global scope.

A root realm can contain many co-existing featherweight compartments. However, with the Realms proposal alone, these compartments are not protected from each other. They share the same primordials provided by their common root realm. Because all primordials start mutable, code in any of the compartments can engage in prototype poisoning, corrupting the shared primordials that code in other compartments rely on.


To that end, we built Secure EcmaScript (SES) on top of Realms. SES hardens the root realm such that all the shared primordials are transitively frozen, transitively immutable, lack any I/O abilities or abilities to cause or sense any state outside themselves.

However, while SES provides security, SES does not yet incorporate a module system that easily allows for code reuse. This document outlines a plan for a module system that is easy to use and secure enough to prevent incidents like the event-stream exploit.

Threat Model

We follow the threat model as described in the Wyvern paper [2], including two common scenarios: malicious third-party code and fallible in-house code. Node.js currently has no protections against malicious third-party code -- seemingly simple packages can access the entire files system and send our data off to anywhere. Fallible in-house code is also a worry. For instance, we might be concerned that our own application will overwrite an important file if misconfigured.

Pure and Resource Modules

Our proposal depends on the idea that some modules can be identified as intrinsically safer than other modules. For instance, a module that doesn't have access to the file system can't do as much damage as a module that does have access. We therefore define two kinds of modules: pure modules and resource modules. These names come from the Wyvern programming language [2], which features a capability-based module system. (One of the main contributors to Wyvern, Darya Melicher, is one of the authors of this proposal.) We adapt Wyvern's definitions as follows:

Pure values (pure objects in Wyvern) are values that (see the detailed definition here):

  1. do not encompass system resources (i.e. network access),
  2. do not contain or transitively reference any mutable state,
  3. have no side effects.

Pure modules are those modules that [3]:

  1. do not encompass system resources (i.e. network access),
  2. do not contain or transitively reference any mutable state,
  3. have no side effects,
  4. do not import any resource module,
  5. only export pure values, and
  6. declare themselves to be pure.

Resource modules are defined as modules that either:

  1. encapsulate system resources,
  2. contain mutable state,
  3. have side effects,
  4. use other resource modules, or
  5. export non pure values.

For example, the popular request package would be a resource module because it imports Node's core http module which gives access to the network.

From these definitions, it follows that pure modules can only import other pure modules. If a module imports a resource module instance it gets automatically categorized as a resource module itself, even if it would otherwise be pure.

In addition, we can define a SES root realm as a realm that only encompasses pure values.


Our distinction between pure and resource modules allows us to treat them differently. Verifiably pure modules can be loaded into a SES root realm together and shared with all its compartments without a loss of security. Resource modules, however, (and this includes everything that is not verifiably pure), provide the ability to cause or sense effects, and thus must only be provided by explicit authorization to that code which legitimately needs access to it.

To accommodate both of these needs, we associate a shared pure loader with a root realm, which only loads pure modules. We associate a resource loader with a compartment. Code loaded by a compartment's loader will evaluate in the scope of that compartment, and will import according to that compartment's loader. Loaders are configured to delegate imports to other loaders within limits and via renaming. Thus, importing 'foo' within compartment X might import 'bar' from compartment Y, loading 'bar' in compartment Y. Thus, code loaded within compartment X can import something exported by code loaded into compartment Y. We can take modules meant to be linked together in a conventional sense, and instead link them together across compartments within a shared root realm.

The pure loader will only load modules that have been statically verified to be purifiable. A module is purifiable, if, under the assumption that all values it imports are pure and the all values it exports get hardened (see below), then all values it exports are pure. For example, the following module is verifiably purifiable:

let x = require("x");

function foo(y) {
  return [x, y];

exports = {x, foo};

SES provides a harden [4] function (see @agoric/harden for more information), which performs a transitive walk over own properties, i.e., properties that are not inherited, freezing every object it encounters. Harden additionally verifies that the objects that these objects inherit from are themselves already hardened. The pure loader will apply harden automatically to all exported and imported values. For example, the pure loader would effective apply harden at the following points, while also guaranteeing that x is pure.

let x = harden(require("x"));

function foo(y) {
  return [x, y];

exports = harden({x, foo});

Given the use of harden and the assumption that module "x" is also verifiably purifiable, the above module is a pure module.

Access Control and Wiring

At this point, we have pure modules together in the root realm and resource modules in their own compartments. However, we have not yet described how these modules may be used, or how access to dangerous resources can be granted. There are two ways in which access control is specified in our proposed system: a manifest and authority-handling modules. A manifest is associated with a group of modules, or package, and can be thought of as similar to an npm package's package.json file. A manifest is declarative, and can express how packages are wired to each other, but can't fully express complex authority decisions. Complex authority decisions are best expressed in code, in authority-handling modules. In these modules, the application's authority can be subdivided, attenuated, or virtualized.

Concrete Example: Command Line Todo App

To explain how this would work, let's use an concrete example. Let's say we are writing a command-line todo app. We can input and display tasks (we will ignore deleting tasks for now), and the task data is saved to a file. Our todo application runs on Node.js and imports the chalk and minimist packages, two of the most widely used npm packages.  Chalk displays our todo list in various colors based on the task's priority, and Minimist parses our command line arguments for us.

Minimist is a pure module because it doesn't encompass any system resources, doesn't import any resource modules, doesn't contain or transitively reference any mutable state, has no side effects, and only exports a function for parsing args. We shall assume in our example that it declares itself pure. Because minimist is a pure module, minimist is loaded into the root realm.

Chalk, on the other hand, needs to know what system it is running on in order to know what colors it can use, so it imports a package called supports-color, which imports Node's os module. The os module includes functions that return the current platform and release. It also includes a function to set the scheduling priority of any process. Because of this, the os module is a resource module. And, because chalk transitively imports the os module, it is also a resource module.

There are two distinct approaches that can be taken to use these modules securely. First, we can rewrite the modules such that the dangerous resources are passed in as a parameter and we can pass in virtualized or attenuated versions instead. Thus, chalk exports a function that has parameters (os, process) and in turn passes these on to supports-color. The second approach, the legacy approach, doesn't require a rewrite of the packages. Instead, a manifest details the wiring that should occur. For instance, supports-color shouldn't get the actual os module, but rather an attenuated version that drastically limits the properties available.

Both of these approaches may be used simultaneously in the same code base. Modules that can be rewritten in the functional style are preferred, but we assume that given the vast number of JavaScript packages, we need to be able to use legacy code as well.

We've created repositories that contain an example for both of these approaches.

Functional Approach

(Working repository "clean-todo" here)

The functional approach is the most straightforward. Our todo app functionality uses three dangerous resources: the built-in node modules (fs and os) and the global variable process. It uses fs directly and os and process through chalk.

By default, only the todo app itself has access to the build-in node modules and global variables. By using SES to provide featherweight secure compartments for loading modules, at this point, chalk and supports-color are loaded in their own compartments and do not have any access to os and process. We need to figure out how to grant access selectively and securely. Chalk, being a third party module, fits the threat model of possibly malicious third party code. The direct use of fs by our todo app fits the threat model of fallible in-house code. Furthermore, this example contains both resource modules and global variables, allowing us to show how to handle both.

Let's start with a working version using current Node.js. The file starts like this:

const fs = require('fs');
const parseArgs = require('minimist');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const todoFile =  'todo.txt'
const addTodoToFile =  (todo, priority='Medium')  =>  {
  fs.appendFile(todoFile, `${priority}: ${todo} \n`,  (err)  =>  {
    if  (err)  throw err;
      console.log('Todo was added');

The first step we need to take to enforce POLA is to attenuate the fs module. By attenuate, we mean reducing the authority to only what is essential. We can create a new module attenuate-fs to do this:

const harden = require('@agoric/harden');
const todoPath =  'todo.txt';
const checkFileName =  (path)  =>  {
  if  (path !== todoPath)  {
    throw Error(`This app does not have access to ${path}`);

const attenuateFs =  (originalFs)  => harden({
  appendFile:  (path, data, callback)  =>  {
    return originalFs.appendFile(path, data, callback);
  createReadStream:  (path)  =>  {
    return originalFs.createReadStream(path);

module.exports  = attenuateFs;

Now, instead of using the original fs when we try to append a todo, we can use an attenuated version that will error if we try to 1) use any fs functionality other than appendFile and createReadStream, or 2) if we try to call these methods with any file other than our predefined todo.txt file. The attenuated version looks like this:

const fs = require('fs');
const parseArgs = require('minimist');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const attenuateFs = require('attenuate-fs');
const altFs = attenuateFs(fs);

const todoFile =  'todo.txt';

const addTodoToFile =  (todo, priority =  'Medium')  =>  {
  altFs.appendFile(todoFile, `${priority}: ${todo} \n`, err =>  {
    if  (err)  throw err;
    console.log('Todo was added');

Thus, we've given our own code the least authority version of the file system - only the one file and only certain functions with that file. In a much larger example, attenuation like this can help a great deal with fallible in-house code that may accidentally misuse authority.

But let's turn to the problem of potentially malicious third party code. Minimist is a pure module, so we are ok giving it zero access to the external world and using the pure module loader to check that it matches our definition of a pure module. Chalk, on the other hand, needs access to os and process to do its legitimate job, so we need to give access to those resources but at the same time, ensure that no additional access is provided.

We start by rewriting chalk as a function that takes in os and process(see diff):

const pureChalk =  (os, process)  =>  {
const stdoutColor = pureSupportsColor(os, process).stdout;

Now we need to write rewrite supports-color in the same way (diff):

const pureSupportsColor =  (os, process)  =>  {
const  {env}  = process;

Note that supports-color no longer imports os itself and it only has access to the os and process passed to it. It has no access to the process variable provided by Node.js.

Now that we are in control of the resources that chalk and supports-color are using, let's attenuate them before passing them on. Going back to our todo-app index.js, it would look like this:

// built-in modules
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');

// our rewritten modules
const parseArgs = require('minimist');
const pureChalk = require('chalk');

// our attenuating modules
const attenuateProcess = require('attenuate-process');
const attenuateOs = require('attenuate-os');
const attenuateFs = require('attenuate-fs');

// attenuate
const altProcess = attenuateProcess(process);
const altOs = attenuateOs(os);
const altFs = attenuateFs(fs);
const chalk = pureChalk(altOs, altProcess);

const todoFile =  'todo.txt';

const addTodoToFile =  (todo, priority =  'Medium')  =>  {
  altFs.appendFile(todoFile, `${priority}: ${todo} \n`, err =>  {
    if  (err)  throw err;
    console.log('Todo was added');

And attenuate-os and attenuate-process would look like this:

const attenuateOs =  (originalOs)  =>
  // we know the result is pure
    release: originalOs.release,

module.exports  = attenuateOs;
const attenuateProcess =  (originalProcess)  =>
  // this is not pure - stdout and stderr are resources
    env: originalProcess.env,
    platform:  'win32',
    versions: originalProcess.versions,
    stdout: originalProcess.stdout,
    stderr: originalProcess.stderr,
module.exports  = attenuateProcess;

Now, chalk and supports-color cannot use os to do dangerous things like change the priority of processes.

But what happens if we don't have the opportunity to rewrite the modules we want to use? Then we can use the legacy approach.

Legacy Approach

(example code)

In the legacy approach, our todo app code doesn't do the attenuating - it looks like a normal Node.js app again. We also don't touch chalk or supports-color. To control the access that chalk and supports-color have, we instead use a manifest to describe the relationship, and then our loaders enforce the manifest, including using attenuating modules. The manifest would look like your normal package.json, but with an additional property, resources:

"resources":  {
  "index": {
    "modules": {
      "fs":  "alt-fs",
      "chalk": true
  "chalk":  {
    "modules":  {
      "supports-color":  true
  "alt-fs":  {
    "modules":  {
      "fs":  true
  "alt-os":  {
    "modules":  {
      "os":  true
  "alt-process":  {
    "globals":  {
      "process":  true
  "supports-color":  {
    "modules":  {
      "os":  "alt-os"
    "globals":  {
      "process":  "alt-process"

Instead of fs, our todo-app index.js is handed the alt-fs module by the module loader. From the todo-app perspective, it thinks it's getting fs, and would only find out otherwise if it goes outside the bounds of what is provided to it.

alt-fs is simply the attenuated version of fs, exported as a module.

const attenuateFs = require('attenuate-fs');
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports  = attenuateFs(fs);

We build similar attenuating modules for os and process - alt-os and alt-process.

Implementation Details

(In progress)

The Manifest

  • Modules: Modules can only import what their manifest says they depend on. This is enforced by having no access by default and the loader providing the authority designated by the manifest.

  • Globals: Which non-pure-JS global variable names it uses, i.e., which non-whitelisted variables it uses freely. From the free variables in the modules, we can check or generate this part of the manifest. The manifest describes which of these variables are assigned to.

  • Whether it accesses its global object, i.e., by a top-level this. We do not assume that a module that says window freely accesses the global object. We treat this as any other global variable reference. Currently this is not yet an issue for modules, but may become one depending on tc39 proposal-global.

  • Which properties of the global object it uses via property access. This cannot be accurately determined statically, but can be under-approximated.

  • Which of its modules it alleges are pure and should therefore be loaded by the root-realm's pure loader if it is indeed pure. Such pure modules are not multiply instantiated and are instantiated separately from their package. Thus, modules declared pure do not cause identity discontinuities.

References and Footnotes

[1] Primordials are all of the JavaScript objects that are mandated by the ECMAScript spec to exist before the code starts running, but not including the global object. Host-mandated objects, such as document or require, are not primordials. All intrinsics are primordials.

[2] A Capability-Based Module System for Authority Control. Darya Melicher, Yangqingwei Shi, Alex Potanin, and Jonathan Aldrich. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2017.

[3] These definitions assume that the module’s exports are hardened by the loader, and that the module’s imports are themselves pure as enforced by the loader.

[4] Previous named def


Building the infrastructure for safe JavaScript modules running in SES on Realms