Agnieszka1994 / TicTacToe

Tic-tac-toe is a game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.

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Tic Tac Toe

Tic-tac-toe is a game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.

In order to place your mark, you need to provide 2 credentials, column and row, following the below pattern:

(1, 3) (2, 3) (3, 3)
(1, 2) (2, 2) (3, 2)
(1, 1) (2, 1) (3, 1)

Get started!

  • Download the repository
  • run the program in the command-line
TicTacToe> python

The program executes the below steps:

  • Prints an empty field at the beginning of the game.
  • Creates a game loop where the program asks the user to enter the cell coordinates, analyzes the move for correctness and shows a field with the changes if everything is ok.
  • Ends the game when someone wins or there is a draw.

Sample usage

| _ O _ |
| X _ _ |
| _ _ _ |
Enter the coordinates:
2 3
This cell is occupied! Choose another one!
Enter the coordinates:
2 1
| _ O _ |
| X _ _ |
| _ X _ |
| _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ |
Enter the coordinates:
one two
You should enter numbers!
Enter the coordinates:
7 8
Coordinates should be from 1 to 3!
Enter the coordinates:
2 2
| _ _ _ |
| _ X _ |
| _ _ _ |
Enter the coordinates:
| O O X |
| X X _ |
| _ O _ |
Enter the coordinates:
1 1
| O O X |
| X X _ |
| X O _ |
X wins


Tic-tac-toe is a game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.


Language:Python 100.0%