AI application for Type 1 Diabetes monitoring, leveraging Open Food Fact database and Freestyle Libre data

Repository from Github https://github.comAgatheZ/DAIBETESRepository from Github https://github.comAgatheZ/DAIBETES

DAIBETES - A Diabetes Management Aid

DAIBETES is an experimental project aimed at assisting individuals with type 1 diabetes in managing their condition more effectively.


  • Food Data Collection:

    • Leverages OpenFoodFacts and Typesense to gather and locally store food-related data.
    • Typesense ensures reduced direct API queries to OpenFoodFacts by maintaining a local database.
  • Freestyle Data Ingestion:

    • Users can upload their blood sugar data from the LibreView app as there's no direct access to Freestyle's API for data retrieval.
  • Data Storage:

    • All collected data is securely stored in dedicated databases for further analysis and model training.
  • Model Training:

    • The collected data will be used to train a machine learning model aimed at predicting insulin dosage.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install the required dependencies from requirements.txt using pip:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Setup your database and update the configuration file with your database credentials.
  4. Run the application:


  • Navigate to the Collect Data section to input food data and upload Freestyle data.
  • Browse the Show Data section to view all your entries.
  • Access the Model section for insights and predictions (coming soon).


Feel free to fork the project and submit PRs for any enhancements, bug fixes or features you may have.


This project is open source under the MIT license.


For any inquiries or discussions, reach out at


AI application for Type 1 Diabetes monitoring, leveraging Open Food Fact database and Freestyle Libre data

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 49.8%Language:Python 38.8%Language:CSS 10.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:JavaScript 0.5%