Aftab Udaipurwala (AftabUdaipurwala)


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Company:Tata Insights & Quants, Sr. manager


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Aftab Udaipurwala's starred repositories


This repository contains all the solutions to the book "Let us Python by Yashwant Kanitkar" . The repo only contains solution for coding problems and not the theory questions. Theory questions are answered seperately in my personal notebook. The coding concepts explained in the chapter and its exercise both are solved in this repository. This is done for the personal learning purpose and no commercial use intended.



This is based on book by Abhishek Thakur for Approaching almost any machine learning problem. I have attempted to re-create all the codes here and use it to learn and understand how machine learning problem works

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


Git is a version control system that allow you to store your code or program on cloud. It also offers features that makes it easy for multiple people to work on same code base. Git today is the most popular version control system and has already surpassed other VCS systems such as SVN.Github is a website that allows you to store your code on cloud. It is backed by git version control system and comes with useful functionality such as pull request and that makes it very popular and widely used tool



This is a crash course on Python that you can go through just for basics understanding and learning, for detail one search the file "Entire Python programming in 1 notebook" in my github account

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


Udemy course all material stored here,



Learning Basics about Python & Machine learning maths and stats using python I have included all the google colab notebooks for each of the topics that i can cover for basics of Python i have studied and included the libraries which are important for Data science perspective too but machine learning libraries are not included here, its all about preparatory/exploratory data analysis

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:4Issues:0Issues:0