Adztarrant / cobraa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cobraa Coincident-background reactor antineutrino analysis is an analysis for reactor discovery via the simulation and evaluation of coincident events. It can also optionally use reconstruction of coincident events.

It's a toolchain which handles full-detector simulation through to sensitivity analysis for the current NEO detector design options: 16m/22m with Gd-water or Gd-WbLS.

Adapted from the WATCHMAN Watchmakers package (Author: Marc Bergevin, LLNL), it constitutes a significant overhaul of the original Watchmakers code. Retains the convenience of the directory organisation and macro/job production but incorporates streamlining and a full analysis update.

To be used alongside the FRED (BONSAI) reconstruction or CoRe (BONSAI) pair reconstruction.

Analysis performs full evaluation of coincidences for both signal and background and optimises sensitivity to a reactor as a function of cuts in up to 7 dimensions:

  1. Prompt energy threshold
  2. Delayed energy threshold
  3. Fiducial volume
  4. Time between triggers dT
  5. Distance between triggers dR (FRED only)
  6. Fit quality (BONSAI timing goodness)
  7. Maximum prompt energy

To install:

$git clone

$cd cobraa



Basic use:

  1. Create macros and simulation jobs for a small-ish number of events (16m/Gd-water/20% photocoverage by default)

    cobraa -m -j -e 2500 --lightSimWater

  2. Run jobs (locally by default)

    source job/job*.sh

  3. Run FRED or CoRe reconstruction (this stage is not incorporated into Cobraa)

  4. Merge ntuple root files from reconstruction

    cobraa -M

  5. Map coincidences after cuts

    cobraa --coincidences [--core]

  6. Calculate rates and optimise signal significance

    cobraa --sensitivity [--core]

See Wiki for more details



Language:Python 100.0%