AdsidTFD / BreveMenus

Library to make context menus and tooltips easier in HTML :)

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Breve Menus

Library to make some complex website functions easier.

  • Custom Timer class to handle timeouts with much more control.
  • Easy to make tooltips that can utilise the built in title attribute.
  • Context menus vastly simplified - you only need a simple JSON object!

Table of Contents


Installing Breve Menus is extremely easy, as there is no download required! All you have to do is add two lines into your HTML header.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script defer src=""></script>

Take this basic header for example:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
    <script defer src="app.js"></script>

All you have to do is add the two lines into the appropriate positions. Make sure to place the script line above any scripts that access Breve Menus.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script defer src=""></script>
    <script defer src="app.js"></script>

If you want your CSS to override the default Breve CSS, make sure to place it below the link to Breve's CSS file.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
    <script defer src=""></script>
    <script defer src="app.js"></script>

That's it! You can now use Breve Menus. See the config to set some preferences.


These are the config options available with Breve Menus. They can be modified by accessing the specific properties through your own file with BreveMenus.<property>. for help.)



BreveMenus.iconClass = "material-icons";
// The default icon class/library has been set to "material-icons".

BreveMenus.tooltipOffset = {x: 15, y: -5};
// Tooltips generated by Breve Menus will have their top left corner positioned 15 pixels to the right of and 5 pixels above the mouse.

BreveMenus.tooltipOffset.x = 15;
BreveMenus.tooltipOffset.y = -5;
// This has the same effect as the above code.


The BreveTimer class allows you to create objects that function as timeouts with more control, such as pausing and resetting the timer.

new BreveTimer(continueWaiting)

To create a new timer object, you can use a simple object constructor.


  • boolean continueWaiting - This parameter determines whether the current state of the timer is saved when it is reset. When set to true, setting a new timer function does not automatically start the timer, and the start() must be used to start the timer. When set to false, setting a new timer function will automatically start the timer. This defaults to false.


let myTimer = new BreveTimer(true);
// myTimer is a timer that will keep its state when cancelled or reset.

let myOtherTimer = new BreveTimer();
// myOtherTimer will not keep its state when cancelled or reset.

set(toRun, delay, onWait)

This sets the timer with a function to run after a certain delay. If continueWaiting is set to true, the timer will automatically start. Otherwise, use start() to start the timer.


  • function toRun - This parameter contains the function that is to be run when the timer finishes.
  • number delay - This parameter contains the amount of time in milliseconds to wait before running the function contained in toRun. This defaults to 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
  • function onWait - This parameter contains the function that is to be run when the wait() function is called. If left blank, nothing extra will happen.


// myTimer has been set to run myFunction() after the default 1000 milliseconds.

myTimer.set(myFunction, 750);
// myTimer has been set to run myFunction() after 750 milliseconds.

myTimer.set(() => {
}, 1500, myFunction.bind(null, myParameter));
// myTimer has been set to log "Timer!" to the console after 1500 milliseconds.
// If wait() is called on myTimer, it will run myFunction(myParameter).


This stops the timer, which will wait until the start() function is called.




// myTimer will not count down until it is reset or started.


This starts the timer if it is currently stopped. It will always start with the currently defined delay.




// myTimer is no longer paused.


This stops the timer, and resets the values of toRun and delay, but retains the value of continueWaiting and onWait.




// myTimer has been cancelled.


Tooltips are simplified with Breve Menus, with a single method allowing you to create custom tooltips, which can be modified with CSS.

Config Options

  • number tooltipDelay - The amount of time the user needs to hover over an element to make the tooltip appear in milliseconds. This defaults to 750 milliseconds.
  • number tooltipFadeTime - The length of the fade animation for tooltips. This defaults to 0 milliseconds.
  • object tooltipOffset - How far the tooltip should appear from the mouse.
    • number x - How far right the tooltip should appear from the mouse in pixels. Negative goes left. This defaults to 5.
    • number 'y' - How far down the tooltip should appear from the mouse in pixels. Negative goes up. This defaults to 5.
  • boolean hideTooltipOnMouseMove - Whether the tooltips should be hidden when the mouse is moved. This is true by default.

setTooltip(obj, text)

This sets the tooltip for the given element, and makes it so that the tooltip will appear when hovering over the element for a certain amount of time.


  • HTMLElement obj - This is the element to which the tooltip should be added.
  • string text - This is the text that will display on the tooltip. If left blank, this will default to the title attribute of the element passed with the obj parameter.


<div id="myElement">
    <span>My text</span>
<div id="myOtherElement" title="This is my title.">
    <span>More text!</span>
<div id="myThirdElement" title="This title will be ignored">
    <span>Even more text!</span>
let myElement = document.getElementById("myElement");
setTooltip(myElement, "Custom tooltip");
// myElement will now display a tooltip that says "Custom tooltip".

let myOtherElement = document.getElementById("myOtherElement");
// myOtherElement will now display a tooltip that says "This is my title."

let myThirdElement = document.getElementById("myThirdElement");
setTooltip(myThirdElement, "Replacement tooltip!");
// myThirdElement will now display a tooltip that says "Replacement tooltip!"

myElement Tooltip

myOtherElement Tooltip

myThirdElement Tooltip


These are the CSS rules that you will need to set if you would like to customise your tooltips.

Tooltip Container

    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Tooltip Text

#BreveTooltip #BreveTooltipText
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menus

Context menus can be really complicated, but with Breve Menus, all you need is an object that contains a simple configuration to pass to a method that will do all of the hard work for you.

Config Options

  • boolean disableDefaultContextMenus - Setting this to true will disable the default context menus on your website altogether, regardless of whether each element has a custom one set. Elements with a custom context menu will always dsiable the default, regardless of what this value is set to.
  • number contextMenuFadeTime - The length of the fade-in animation for context menus. This defaults to 0 milliseconds.
  • object contextMenuIcons - The icons to be used for default context menu behaviour.
    • string toggleUnchecked - The icon to display on an unchecked toggle item.
    • string toggleChecked - The icon to display on a checked toggle item.
    • string submenu - The icon to display on a category item.

makeContextMenu(ancestor, menu)

This will create your context menu, as well as do all of the handling necessary for it, including all of the event listeners. The context menus can be closed by left clicking outside the menu, right clicking outside the menu, or hitting the Escape key.


  • HTMLElement ancestor - This is the element to which the context menu will be added. That is, right clicking on this element will open its menu.
  • Object menu - This is the object containing all of the menu configuration.


<div id="myElement">
    <span>There is text here.</span>
let myElement = document.getElementById("myElement");
makeContextMenu(myElement, myMenu); // See the Menu Object section for information on myMenu.
// myElement will now open the myMenu context menu when right clicked.

Menu Object

Context menus can be created by making an object that contains some basic configuration for the menu. This is extremely easy to do.

There are three types of menu items: functions, categories, and separators.

Note: Two items within the same list cannot have the same name. However, if they are in separate lists, such as one in the main list and one in a sublist, there is no problem.

Function Items

Function items are items that, when clicked, will run a specific function. They have the following configuration.


Declare the name of the function item in a string identifier. This is the text that will be displayed on the item in the context menu.

"This is item text.": {
    // Item configuration in here.

Every function item will have the type listed as "function". This is REQUIRED.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function"

Every function item must contain a callback to a function that will be called when it is clicked. This is REQUIRED.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function",
    run: ()=>
        console.log("Hello console!");
Left Icon

Function items may contain an icon to the left of the text for decoration or clarity. The library for these icons will default to whatever you have configured to your iconClass in your config. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function",
    run: ()=>
        console.log("Hello console!");
    leftIcon: "diamond"
Right Icon

Function items may contain an icon to the right of the text for decoration or clarity. If the item is set to toggle, the icon will instead be replaced by the toggle icons defined in your config. The library for these icons will default to whatever you have configured to your iconClass in your config. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function",
    run: ()=>
        console.log("Hello console!");
    leftIcon: "diamond",
    rightIcon: "favorite"
Icon Library

Function items with an icon may have their icon class set to something specific, if you want it to differ from your iconClass in config. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function",
    run: ()=>
        console.log("Hello console!");
    leftIcon: "diamond",
    rightIcon: "favorite",
    iconlib: "material-icons"

Function items can be disabled by setting a boolean value for their condition. By default, the item will be usable, but, if set to false, will grey out the item and render it unusable. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function",
    run: ()=>
        console.log("Hello console!");
    leftIcon: "diamond",
    rightIcon: "favorite",
    iconlib: "material-icons",
    condition: true

Function items can be set to be a checkbox. This is only for display reasons, and the boolean value is only displayed as it is passed. If no value is set, the checkbox will not display. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function",
    run: ()=>
        console.log("Hello console!");
    leftIcon: "diamond",
    rightIcon: "favorite",
    iconlib: "material-icons",
    condition: true,
    toggle: false

Category Items

Category items are menu items that, when clicked on or hovered over, will open a submenu containing children items. This does not have a limit (but don't abuse it, for your users' sake!).


Declare the name of the category item in a string identifier. This is the text that will be displayed on the item in the context menu.

"This is category text.": {
    // Item configuration in here.

Every category item will have the type listed as "category". This is REQUIRED.

"This is category text.": {
    type: "category"
Left Icon

Category items may contain an icon to the left of the text for decoration or clarity. The library for these icons will default to whatever you have configured to your iconClass in your config. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is item text.": {
    type: "function",
    run: ()=>
        console.log("Hello console!");
    leftIcon: "settings"
Icon Library

Category items with an icon may have their icon class set to something specific, if you want it to differ from your iconClass in config. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is category text.": {
    type: "category",
    leftIcon: "settings",
    iconlib: "material-icons"

Category items can be disabled by setting a boolean value for their condition. By default, the item will be usable, but, if set to false, will grey out the item and render it unusable. This is OPTIONAL.

"This is category text.": {
    type: "category",
    leftIcon: "settings",
    iconlib: "material-icons",
    condition: true

Category items, if their condition is not set to false, must have children to display as part of a submenu. The format of these children is the same as the format of any other item, simply nested inside the children attribute. This is REQUIRED.

"This is category text.": {
    type: "category",
    leftIcon: "settings",
    iconlib: "material-icons",
    condition: true,
    children: {
        "This is sub-item 1": {
            type: "function",
            run: myFunction
        "This is sub-item 2": {
            type: "function",
            run: myFunction,
            condition: false

Separator Items

Separator items will simply display a thin line across the context menu, serving to separate multiple sections of said menu.


The name of the separator does not matter, but it must not match the name of any other separator in the same menu.


Every separator item will have the type listed as "separator". This is REQUIRED.

"This is a separator": {
    type: "separator"

Overall Example

<div id="myElement">
    <span>There is text here.</span>
let myElement = document.getElementById("myElement");
myElement.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event) => {
    let menu = {
        "Log to console": {
            type: "function",
            run: ()=> {
            leftIcon: "terminal",
            iconlib: "material-icons"
        "Hover to view submenu": {
            type: "category",
            children: {
                "I am a child item!": {
                    type: "function",
                    run: myFunction.bind(null, myParameter),
                    toggle: true
                "I am also a child item.": {
                    type: "function",
                    run: ()=> {
                    toggle: false
        "Cool separator": {
            type: "separator"
        "Useless item": {
            type: "function",
            rightIcon: "favorite",
            run: ()=>
                console.log("you can't even click this.");
            condition: false
    makeContextMenu(myElement, menu);

Context Menu


These are the CSS rules that you will need to set if you would like to customise your context menus.

Context Menu Background

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Button Container

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .btn
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Button Hover

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .btn:hover:not(.noFunction)
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Button with Submenu Selected

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .btn.selected
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Button Disabled

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .btn.noFunction
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Button Disabled Contents

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .btn.noFunction > *
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Button Icon

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .btn .icon > i
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Button Text

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .btn .text > span
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Separator Container

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .separator
    /* Add your modified rules here. */

Context Menu Separator Line

#BreveContextMenu .contextMenu .separator > div
    /* Add your modified rules here. */


Library to make context menus and tooltips easier in HTML :)


Language:JavaScript 91.6%Language:CSS 8.4%