Adriks976 / aws-authenticator

manage credentials file, generate MFA tokens

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AWS Authenticator

Manage AWS credentials, generate MFA tokens

A Python script wich help you managing your AWS credentials with your MFA tokens. To use MFA on AWS you can use a virtual device like Google authenticator or you can just use this script.

Table of Contents


MFA Token

In order to provide the maximum level of security, the MFA secret token is stored in your Keychain (Mac).

AWS Credentials

Permanent and temporary AWS Credentials are stored in ~/.aws/credentials.


In order to use the aws-cli with Multi-Factor Authentication, you need to generate new session credentials everyday. This tools has be developed to get rid of the repetitive task of logging in and retreiving MFA token.


This module requires Python 3. You can download it or install it with brew on Mac.

$ brew install python3

Clone this repository and install pip dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd aws-authenticator
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setup AWS profils

Edit the ~/.aws/crendentials with your AWS credentials. Access key and secret key can be found in the IAM console (tutorial)

# ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY

or using the aws cli:

$ aws configure --profile profile1
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: text


usage: [-h] [-g mfa_profile] [-s] base_profile

Manage AWS profiles with MFA enabled

required argument:
  base_profile          name of your base profile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g mfa_profile, --generate-profile mfa_profile
                        name of your mfa profile you want to create
  -s, --store-secret    save secret in keychain

Store the MFA secret in the Keychain

$ profile1 --store-secret
Enter Your Secret Here:🔑
Your secret is successfully registered in your keychain

Where to get the secret? From AWS console, when you setup a virtual MFA you get this screen:

Alt text

If you type on show secret key you can copy the secret and paste in the keychain with the --store-secret option.

Generate a MFA token

Generates a token that can be used for login your AWS account.

$ profile1
Token: 130528

Generate AWS session credentials

This command generates temporary credentials and store them in a 2nd profile.

$ profile1 --generate-profile profile1_mfa
On your terminal type:
export AWS_PROFILE=profile1_mfa
to load your credentials

A second profile is created, adding the session token.

# ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY

aws_access_key_id = AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY
aws_session_token = exampleC8aDMBsG5Ha9J/KzfSuHyKwexamplex3vg+knx7CJEnTSGGf3pmEWFuMS3dLUWlVgmIGaIv6ELrL/7ZVfVPIwOgGi8JrBX9UpI9VCHCnX+Ogb0TyiZasLsaFP9k1cFXBTiHve1agOW7b8IWVUzexample1C112M2gjxOEk9oFxgqGfZVHp7Zk4R6iTgQ9HckxoIZ/c4vhwL6Sfexamplefc3FOGgZhlcMFSrIr5tUwHeLRoOYqtzJDGMAsaoTyrvKJHttdQF


PRs accepted.

Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.




manage credentials file, generate MFA tokens


Language:Python 100.0%