Adrija-G / SecurePassMaster

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CipherGen Password Utility 🛡️

CipherGen is a password utility Python program designed to generate and evaluate strong, secure passwords.

  • It provides a user-friendly interface for generating random passwords with customizable complexity and evaluating the strength of existing passwords.
  • It also makes use of the Isolated Forest algorithm and performs Vigenère Cipher encryption on the password as an additional layer of security.📜🌐
  • The best part? You won't find this anywhere else on the Internet! 🌟🌟


  • Password Generation: CipherGen offers a user-friendly interface for effortlessly generating random passwords. You can customize the complexity to meet your specific security requirements. 🎩

  • Password Strength Evaluation: Curious about the strength of your existing passwords? CipherGen can analyze and rate them, helping you identify potential vulnerabilities and enhance your security. 📊

  • Enhanced Security: To ensure top-tier security, CipherGen employs the Isolated Forest algorithm and adds an additional layer of protection by performing Vigenère Cipher encryption on generated passwords. Your data remains secure. 🌐
