This site is built with Adobe I/O Theme.
Follow the instructions to get started.
Main branch is auto-published to github pages here Note, this is not the full site, and this url is not shared. This is a very quick way to go and verify relative links and general formatting before running the deployment workflows.
The slack channel #adobeio-onsite-onboarding is our main point of contact for help. Feel free to join the channel and ask any questions.
This site uses Yarn 4 to manage package dependencies. If you do not have Yarn 4 installed, follow these instructions:
Install Node.js LTS. At the time of writing, the latest LTS version is
. -
Install Yarn 4 by running the following command:
corepack enable
Corepack is a binary shipped with all Node.js releases starting from 16.10.
Update Yarn to the latest version by running the following command:
yarn set version stable
Make sure you are now using version 4.1.1 of Yarn:.
yarn --version
That's it. For more information on Yarn 4 usage, see Yarn usage.
For the documentation developer, please read these sections on how to:
- Arrange the structure content of your docs
- Linking to pages
- Using assets
- Setting Global Navigation
- Setting Side Navigation
- Using content blocks
- Notes on using Markdown
After installing yarn
v4 as noted above, you can develop locally by running the following commands:
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
Run a development build:
yarn dev
Open home page:
open http://localhost:8000/overview
For any team that wishes to deploy to the and website, they must be in contact with the dev-site team. Teams will be given a path that will follow the pattern{product}/
. This will allow doc developers to setup their subpaths to look something like:{product}/docs{product}/community{product}/community/code_of_conduct{product}/community/contribute
You can deploy using the GitHub actions deploy workflow see deploy instructions.