Adityasiwan007 / shape

This is simple react native application for detecting Rectangle and square shaped object in camera and crop it.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Square Detection


To avoid error from new React version, I suggest using yarn to install.

yarn install


You will have a day to create a simple iOS/Android application using React-Native. This app should do the following things:

The app should be able to take a video and save it locally The app should be able to process the video to do something interesting. (e.g. detect a horizontal/ vertical line drawn on paper) Once the application processes the video it should show a result/ output.


Live detect Square on frame and crop it into image when capture

Try this apk


This is simple react native application for detecting Rectangle and square shaped object in camera and crop it.


Language:JavaScript 69.7%Language:Java 14.1%Language:Objective-C 10.0%Language:Starlark 4.3%Language:Ruby 2.0%