AdityaBaxla / dev-tips

all the problems faced, tricks and tips to fastrack development

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installing Flutter and Andoid to run without android studio

need flutter sdk android sdk cli tools java (dont knw )

android sdk needs to have folders inside /latest otherwise it wont run. try going into $tool/bin and run sdkmanager to check what its saying.

add flutter path, android, androidsdk, androidstudio sdk, .. bin. to path

setx ANDROID_HOME “C:\Android”
setx path “%path%;”C:\Android\cmdline-tools;C:\Android\cmdline-tools\tools;C:\Android\cmdline-tools\tools\bin;C:\Android\flutter\bin”`

setx to set path variables from cmd.

$flutter doctor check what needs to be installed

install sdk from sdkmanager

sdkmanager “platform-tools”
sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.3"
sdkmanager "platforms;android-28"
sdkmanager emulator```

attach flutter to android sdk
`flutter config --android-sdk C:\Android\`

flutter run first time takes time to use android phone as device. need to turn on usb install, give all permissions, etc.

note: flutter is just java but 40 years younger, means less weirdites and less legacy to worry about. still strongly typed but less verbose.

scaffold: skeleteon widget that keeps everything together container : flexible widet that can do a lot of things , set height and width

shortcut : stl -> compontent with stateless widget

assets have to be manually loaded in pubspec.yaml assets: - assets

routing problem, changed homepage to snakecase to fix the issue, main.dart also changed to add routers but did not help

use serve to run production code from react/vite

prettier config

add prettier extention need .prettierrc and .prettierignore files in project add all .gitignore to .prettierignore and src files goo to > open user settings as json . add "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "editor.formatOnSave": true, prettier dev dependencies : $npm i -D eslint prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-react


all the problems faced, tricks and tips to fastrack development