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AdibAimannn's starred repositories


Application to schedule appointments written in Java (Spring Boot)



A Modern Fullstack Booking System Built With NextJS



automated meeting room booking system



Meeting Room Booking System using SpringBoot



A feature rich, ready-to-deploy meeting room booking service



Node.js mini-project - Meeting Room Booking System



A meeting room calendar that displays a list of conference rooms in a corporate office with quick overview to the room availability.



Attendance management system for orgnazation with realtime face and qr code



It is a web based application. A system that takes down Students attendance using QR code. Every student is provided with a card containing a unique ID. Students just have to scan their cards in front of webcam or smartphones and the system notes down their attendance as per dates. Each QR code contains a unique ID for students. System then stores all the students’ attendance records and generates defaulter list. It also generates an overall report in Excel sheet or PDF according to the requirement for admin and teachers. Such type of application is very useful in school as well as in college for daily attendance.



Users management system built using PHP Laravel framework, JQuery, Bootstrap 4, MySQL Database. This system used to register/login users into the system and manage those users in the system to (view/search/edit/delete) users records



This web application is a simple vat record management system using laravel framework. Some core features like sms service CRUD operation integrated with other extra features like live search(admin panel), category wise customer manage and so on and so forth.



A Project that allows one to record student details.Created using Laravel and Vue Js. Used AdminLte Theme



Record Management System using Laravel 5



Description: Developed a system for a finance company to maintain overall finance related record like EMI, Overdue EMI, Car Loan and also maintain office staff record.



Online Car Rental System is a web based application using Java, JSP, MySQL, where users can look-up for availability of a car category for a pick-up date and can provide the driver details to reserve the car. For pick-up process, admin verifies the driver’s details of the reservation id and records the credit card details. For return process, admin verifies the Vehicle ID and the transaction amount is automatically deducted.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:120Issues:0Issues:0


The project uses Plate Recognizer API with YOLOv4 for fetching the extracted number plates. The fetched plate is passed through ALPR and after that SQL workbench is managing it in the database with a connection of our local website through php



The project is a vehicle number plate recognition Java application that uses the Tesseract OCR Engine working on a neural network system based on LSTM(Long Short-term Memory) for image to text conversion, MySQL and JDBC for the database operations and Java Swing for the graphical user interface. The project aims to tackle the vulnerability of security threats encountered at security checkpoints by providing information associated with a vehicle from its registration number plate without reaching out to the authorities for the same and using an API. The Java application has various uses at security checkpoints of facilities such as corporate buildings, DMRC parking lots, mall parkings and hotel entrances. The application allows the user to edit, update and delete the MySQL database using its Graphical User Interface. The application further allows the user to print the database table or save it as a PDF file.



New version of imageUpdater. The software is developed using C# and win forms. Its purpose is to monitor ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) camera image directory, and when image is created, changed or removed, either stores image data in the database, updates data or removes database record related to that image.



# Intelligence traffic monitoring system ### About Due to a huge number of vehicles ,very busy road and parking which may not be possible manually as a human being, tends to get fatigued due to monotonous nature of the job and they cannot keep track of the vehicles when there are multiple vehicles are passing in a very short time. So modern cities need to establish effective automatic systems for traffic management and scheduling. The objective of this project is to design and develop an accurate and automatic number plate recognition system, Automatic traffic light control using google Api live traffic density data, smart fine system and also We can track the lost vehicle using vehicle number plate detection and find its location by google Map API. Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System (ITMS) is an image processing and machine learning technology to identify vehicles by their license plates and we uses the microService of google API for live traffic density. ### Features 1. License plate number recognition. 2. Matching the plate number with Database. 3. Intelligence traffic light control using live traffic density data. 4. Show traffic density of particular area for some duration of month in form of graph. 5. Online Vehicle license registration. 6. Smart fine system. ###Applications 1. Automated track the location of stolen vehicle 2. Anti-Theft/ Vehicle detection. 3. Traffic light automation ,no requirement of Traffic police. 4. Smart fine /E Challan Systems. 5. Car Parking / Automatic Toll Deduction. 6. Law Enforcement 7. VIP/Ambulance path Clearance 8. Help the government to take ● Increase the efficiency of existing transport infrastructure ● Develop a license plate recognition system, ● Build a smart fine system and in future enhancement automated fine systems for vehicles. ● Live Traffic detection system and automated traffic light control system. ● Predict the traffic density using machine learning for specific areas by its previous data. ● Automated lost vehicle detection system and information to administration. ● Handle traffic congestion using automated light control system. ### Installation * Clone the project. * Run `yarn install` to install the dependencies. * Run `yarn start` to view the project in action. ### OpenCV Demo to Count Vehicles * In "countingCars" directory, run 'python' . ### License plate detection go to vehicle_number_by_its_pate folder and type python3 1.jpg #secreenshot <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_103735.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_103751.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_103811.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_103826.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_103844.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_103906.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_103943.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_104003.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200901_104044.jpg"> <img src="./screenshot/IMG_20200902_032314.jpg">



ALPR systems function to automatically capture an image of the vehicles license plate transform that image into alphanumeric characters using optical character recognition compare the plate number acquired to one or more databases of vehicles to law enforcement and other agencies Skills Used: machine learning, Deep Learning, Python

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0


Backend server of a university project i did, it was for number plate recognition through Raspberry pies with cameras attached to them communicating with my back-end server. It was made on Node.js using Express. The back-end also serves a front end map made on React with authentication. The Database used is Mongodb through Mongoose.



It's an android app that uses android firebase ML kit to get number plate infromation from images and queries that information to get details of the owner of the vehicle from local database



Multi-view face recognition, face cropping and saving the cropped faces as new images on videos to create a multi-view face recognition database.



Python cheat sheet dalam format pdf dan ipynb

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:5Issues:0Issues:0


Malaysia License Plate Detection Using Tesseract-OCR

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:NOASSERTIONStargazers:4Issues:0Issues:0


Malaysia car plate generator for car plate recognition model training

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0