Adesdorcas / Setup-Cross-Region-S3-Bucket-Replication

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setup Cross Region S3 Bucket Replication


In this project, my company has been hosting critical infrastructure files in a S3 bucket named appconfig-prod-1 within the us-east-1 region. Due to compliance requirements, the files remain stored in the United States, and must remain available even in the case of catastrophic disasters. To ensure the files remain accessible at all times, I will be setting up Cross-Region Replication to appconfig-prod-2 located in the us-west-2 region.

Environments Used

  • AWS S3

Project walk-through:

Locate the current S3 bucket in us-east-1 named appconfig-prod-1:

Copy the name of the current bucket, create a new bucket changing the name to appconfig-prod-2 and selecting us-west-2 region:

From within the 'Bucket management' tab in the us-east-1 bucket, create a replication rule. We will enable bucket versioning, specify rule scope, and choose the destination for the replication rule which is the appconfig-prod-2 bucket:

Upload file to bucket to test replication:

The file has successfully replicated to appconfig-prod-2:
