Adamouization / HTTP-Web-Server

:globe_with_meridians: Implementation of a simple HTTP server in Java, supporting basic requests and binary images.

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Java-Web-Server-HTTP-Requests HitCount GitHub license

This is an HTTP server implemented in Java using the native and libraries. It supports HTTP GET, HEAD and DELETE requests from multiple clients through threading, and responses appropriately to connecting clients using the 200 OK, 204 No Content, 404 Not Found and 501 Not Implemented codes. It also supports text files such as text/html and binary images such as images/jpg, images/jpeg, images/png and images/gif. The server logs every request to a .log file. This project was completed for the CS5001 module as a part of my MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the University of St Andrews.

A short report of the advanded requirements can be read here.


  1. Clone the project: git clone

  2. Cd into the directory and compile the files, then run the source code:

cd Java-Web-Server-HTTP-Requests
javac src/*.java src/exception/*.java



Run the server:

cd src/
java WebServerMain <document_root> <port_number> <max_number_of_active_threads>


  • document_root is the root directory from which the server will serve documents.
  • port_number is the port on which the server will listen.
  • <max_number_of_active_threads> is the maximum number of clients that can connect simultaneously to the server.

Example: java WebServerMain ../www 12345 100

Run the tests (on University machines): stacscheck Tests/


A testing web root directory with html and binary image files is provided in the www directory.

  • Terminal
    • GET request method
      • headers: curl -s -I -X GET localhost:12345/index.html
      • text content: curl -s -X GET localhost:12345/index.html
    • DELETE request method
      • headers: curl -s -I -X DELETE localhost:12345/delete_me.txt
      • content: curl -s -X DELETE localhost:12345/delete_me.txt
    • 404 Error: curl -s -X GET localhost:12345/test.html (File not found)
    • 501 Error: curl -X SLURP localhost:12345/index.html (POST not implemented)
  • Web browser
    • Default page (GET): open
    • Binary image content: open


  1. Generate the Javadocs: javadoc -d javadoc src/*.java src/exception/*.java

  2. Open javadoc/index.html in your web browser.



:globe_with_meridians: Implementation of a simple HTTP server in Java, supporting basic requests and binary images.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 75.0%Language:HTML 13.4%Language:Shell 11.6%