Adamo Orsini's repositories
Discord Bot that plays a unique theme song for each user when they enter a voice channel.
Personal portfolio website used to present past projects, work experience, and links to contact me.
Online shopping website that provides anything from A to Z in a few main product categories. All our prices are in Dogecoin so it's like Amazon but worse :-/
Semester-long group assignment for SOEN 287 (Web Programming) at Concordia University.
A fun and interactive way to learn American Sign Language! Use ASL signs to spell words in a Wordle game.
An automated method of obtaining graphs of letters or numbers by drawing them with accelerometers. Completed as part of the Independent Research Project class in Cegep.
Answers to various LeetCode coding interview questions used for practice.
This is the first video game I made. It was done using C# and Unity. I had a 3 month time span in Grade 11 to make this project, and I have not edited it since. Enjoy!