Adamj1232 / RAIngular

Practice weather app built in angular, consuming the Weather Underground's API and local storage to persist

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RAIngular - AngularWeatherApp

Weather forecast app built with Angular4 aka Angular CLI and consuming WeatherUndergrounds weather API.

Try RAIngular here

Project Status

This project is currently in the later stages of development and can be tested through the link above.


I set out to build an app in Angular4 to practice consuming an api, and wrap my head around the proper way to structure an Angular App as well as the proper way to write Typescript which is the preffered standard to use with Angular Applications. Building this app likend back to learning redux with react and writing internal html reminded me a lot of writing JSX. Typescript was and still is a challenge for me to grasp its full potential but I am begin to understand and enjoy writing in TS more and more. The power behind being able to recieve variable type errors and keeping functions private is becoming more and more apparent and will be very useful at my new place of employment as the application the team is working on there is all based on Angular4/CLI.


Practice weather app built in angular, consuming the Weather Underground's API and local storage to persist


Language:TypeScript 62.7%Language:CSS 14.0%Language:HTML 13.8%Language:JavaScript 9.6%