AdMoR / ansible-website-deployment

Deployment script for

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deployment script for AIF website and Helpbot

The link of the deployed repos are : Webserver, Slack bot

The script deploys both repositories behind a nginx. Required packets are installed for python.

An overview of the finished deployment is :

To deploy :

  • Set up the ip adress of the host in inventory/hosts
  • Run ansible-playbook -s playbooks/cf-dev.yml --ask-pass --user=xxxx --extra-vars "ansible_sudo_pass=xxxx"

You need to provide the right token for the slack bot in playbooks/vars

/!\ You need to have python installed on the distant host to be able to run the script /!\


Deployment script for


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