Ad7amstein / LeetCode_DailyChallenge_2023

LeetCode Daily Challenge Solutions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LeetCode DailyChallenge in 2023


These steps to how to make a contribution to this Repo

  • Follow the same style in the repo
    1. Fork the repo first
    2. Follow the following guidelines:
      1. Open the folder of the month of the problem
      2. Open the folder of the day of the problem
      3. Make a file of your solution and follow this pattern <day>- <name of problem> (<your name>).<file extension>
        • for example 1. Word Pattern (Ahmed Hossam).cpp
      4. Put this line as a comment on the top of your file: // Author: <your name>
      5. Try to write comments to explain your solution
      6. Redundant solutions will be rejected
    3. Create a pull request here after that
    4. I will pin the best solution in the file to be viewed be all users.



LeetCode Daily Challenge Solutions


Language:C++ 80.3%Language:Python 10.0%Language:JavaScript 4.3%Language:Java 2.8%Language:Dart 1.7%Language:PHP 0.8%