Acreson / DataMeter-12Fix

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool





修改:Crazy HipHop


--通知中心显示wifi和数据流量信息 --状态显示数据传转速率 --按天,周,月显示数据使用情况 --可通过设置选项自定义显示



在没有remount的情况下,只能保证悬浮窗+状态栏正常工作,小部件是不工作的,只需要导入Library路径的文件即可 在确定remount的情况下,可以使其小部件工作,但是似乎不完美,手里没有其他设备见谅,全部导入路径即可



inject /var/LIB/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*.dylib

inject /var/LIB/PreferenceBundles/*.bundle

inject /System/WeeAppPlugins/*.bundle

快捷方便 然后执行注销 killall SpringBoard 即可如果觉得麻烦,可以直接重启后激活即可,然后去设置中进行插件配置。 有问题推特反馈,谢谢~!

English description

Tweaks: DataMeter - 12fix

Author: Minuit

Modify: Crazy HipHop

Description Compatible with iOS 7, 8, 9, 10 ,11 and 12(RootlessJB)

Language: Chinese & English

---Notification Center widget display wifi and data traffic information ---Status Bar Display Network Data Rate ---By day, week, month display data usage ---Configure Notifications from Settings

The plug-in has patcher and fixes work perfectly in RootlessJB on IOS12

PC SSH or mobile phone with Filza speak plug-in import corresponding directory In the absence of remount, you can only guarantee that the hover window + status bar will work, and the widget will not work. You can simply import the files in the Library path In the case of remount, you can make the widget work, but it doesn't seem to be perfect, and I'm sorry I don't have another device in my hand, so I'll just import the entire path

Inject some medicineswhen everything is injected

The command is

~inject /var/LIB/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*.dylib

~inject /var/LIB/PreferenceBundles/*.bundle

~inject /System/WeeAppPlugins/*.bundle

Quick and convenient And then execute the logout ~Killall SpringBoard

If you feel trouble, you can directly restart the activation, and then go to the Settings of the plug-in configuration. If you have any questions, please send them to twitter. Thank you!
