AchrafKassioui / SpriteKit-Inertial-Camera

A camera to navigate freely in your SpriteKit scene.

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SpriteKit Inertial Camera

This is a custom SpriteKit camera that you can use to navigate around the scene using multi-touch gestures. It supports pan, pinch, and rotate, as well as inertia on each transforms.




Add the InertialCamera file or class to your project, then create an instance of the camera and set it as the scene camera, for example inside didMove:

override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
    size = view.bounds.size
    let inertialCamera = InertialCamera(scene: self)
    camera = inertialCamera

In order to enable inertia, call the updateInertia() inside the scene update:

override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
    if let inertialCamera = camera as? InertialCamera {



The scene object is optional during initialization, which allows to create an inertial camera object in a model without a reference to the scene. However, passing a scene is necessary to setup the gesture recognizers. You can initialize the camera without a scene, then pass a scene later through the parentScene property:

struct MyModel {
    var myCamera = InertialCamera()

class myScene: SKScene {
    var myModel = MyModel()
    override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
        let inertialCamera = myModel.myCamera
        inertialCamera.delegate = self
        inertialCamera.parentScene = self
        camera = inertialCamera


InertialCamera has a InertialCameraDelegate protocol that you can use to notify you of various camera changes. You implement the protocol like this:

/// Add the protocol to your scene declaration
class myScene: SKScene, InertialCameraDelegate {

    override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
        let inertialCamera = InertialCamera(scene: self)
        /// Set the scene as delegate of the camera
        inertialCamera.delegate = self
        camera = inertialCamera

    /// Include the methods required by the protocol
    func cameraWillScale(to scale: (x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)) {
        /// Called before the camera is about to scale

    func cameraDidScale(to scale: (x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)) {
        /// Called after the camera has scaled

    func cameraDidMove(to position: CGPoint) {
        /// Called after the camera has moved


Dynamically toggle inertia for each transform:

inertialCamera.enablePanInertia = true
inertialCamera.enableScaleInertia = true
inertialCamera.enableRotationInertia = true

Tweak the friction values:

/// lower values = higher friction
/// a value of 1 will maintain the velocity indefinitely
/// values above 1 will accelerate exponentially
/// values below 1 are unstable
inertialCamera.positionInertia = 0.95
inertialCamera.scaleInertia = 0.75
inertialCamera.rotationInertia = 0.85

If inertia is enabled, programmatically change the camera's velocity:

inertialCamera.positionVelocity = (0, 0)
inertialCamera.scaleVelocity = (0, 0)
inertialCamera.rotationVelocity = 0

Stop all ongoing inertia. This is typically called by a touchesBegan event, so that the camera stops moving when the user touches the screen.


stopInertia() is a convenience method equivalent to setting all velocities to zero.


Set a minimum and maximum zoom level:

/// Zoom out to 10%
inertialCamera.maxScale = 10
/// Zoom in to 400%
inertialCamera.minScale = 0.25


Dynamically lock each transform:

inertialCamera.lockPan = false
inertialCamera.lockScale = false
inertialCamera.lockRotation = false

/// full lock, which disables gesture recognition
inertialCamera.lock = false

Set to

Send the camera to a position, scale, and rotation with an animation:

    position: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0),
    xScale: 1,
    yScale: 1,
    rotation: 0

Adaptive filtering

Change the filtering mode of textures depending on camera zoom. When the scale is below 1 (zoom in) on either x or y, linear filtering on SKSpriteNode and anti-aliasing on SKShapeNode are disabled. When the scale is 1 or above (zoom out) on either x and y, linear filtering and anti-aliasing are enabled, which is the default renderer behavior.

This is an opinionated feature. This behavior can be toggled:

inertialCamera.adaptiveFiltering = true

Note that in SpriteKit, filtering and anti-aliasing properties are only available on SKTexture and SKShapeNode. Other drawing nodes such as SKLabelNode or SKEmitterNode do not expose such properties.


Developed with Xcode 15 and tested on iOS 17.

On macOS, although the panning works, the controls aren't yet adapted to the trackpad, mouse, and keyboard.


This project started as a fork of SKCamera-Demo. Thank you @HumboldtCodeClub for sharing and commenting your code.


A camera to navigate freely in your SpriteKit scene.


Language:Swift 100.0%