AchievedOwner / ComponentBuilder

An automation framework to create Blazor component

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Easy to create a Blazor Component Library with automation features supports both razor file way and RenderTreeBuilder way.

中文介绍 | Quick Start | Document

Latest Version .net6 .net7

✨ Features

  • Attribute first, easy define CSS from parameters
  • Easy to associate with components via Attributes
  • Cusomization CSS and attributes of component by coding logic
  • Both supports .razor file or RenderTreeBuilder to create component
  • Support Pre-definition for components with simular parameters
  • Dynamic JS interoption
  • New lifecycle definition of Component with interceptor design pattern
  • Renderer pipeline pattern to regonize dynamic render of components
  • More extensions for RenderTreeBuilder instance
  • Create element with Fluent API

🌈 Quick Start

  • In Button.razor file
@inherits BlazorComponentBase

<button @attributes="@GetAttributes()">

    public Button()

    [Parameter][CssClass("active")]public bool Active { get; set; } 
	[Parameter][CssClass("btn-")]public Color? Color { get; set; } 

	[Parameter]public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; } 

	[Parameter][HtmlData("tooltip")]public string? Tooltip { get; set; }

	[Parameter][HtmlAttribute("onclick")]public EventCallback<ClickEventArgs> OnClick { get; set; } 

    [Parameter][HtmlAttribute]public string? Title { get; set; }
    public enum Color
  • In Button.cs component class for full automation features
public class Button : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent, IHasOnClick
	[Parameter][CssClass("active")]public bool Active { get; set; } 
	[Parameter][CssClass("btn-")]public Color? Color { get; set; } 

	[Parameter]public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }

	[Parameter][HtmlData("tooltip")]public string? Tooltip { get; set; }

	[Parameter][HtmlEvent("onclick")]public EventCallback<ClickEventArgs> OnClick { get; set; 

    [Parameter][HtmlAttribute]public string? Title { get; set; }

public enum Color
  • Use component
<Button Color="Color.Primary">Submit</Button>
<button class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

<Button Active Tooltip="active button" Color="Color.Information" Title="click me">Active Button</Button>
<button class="btn btn-info active" data-tooltip="active button" title="click me">Active Button</button>

🔑 JS Interoption

  • Import modules
//in app.js
export function display(){
 // ...your code
[Inject]IJSRuntime JS { get; set; }

var js = await JS.Value.ImportAsync("./app.js");
js.display(); // same as function name
  • Evaluate js string
JS.Value.EvaluateAsync(window => {

  • JS invoke C# code
JS.Value.InvokeVoidAsync("myFunction", CallbackFactory.Create<string>(arg=> {
    //get arg from js

JS.Value.InvokeVoidAsync("calculate", CallbackFactory.Create<int,int>((arg1,arg2)=> {
    //get value of arg1,arg2 from js
function myFunction(dotNetRef){
    dotNetRef.invokeMethodAsync("Invoke", "arg");

function calculate(dotNetRef){
    dotNetRef.invokeMethodAsync("Invoke", 1, 2);

ℹ️ Logical CSS/Style/Attributes

  • Logical CSS
protected override void BuildCssClass(ICssClassBuilder builder)
  • Logical Attributes
protected override void BuildAttributes(IDictionary<string, object> attributes)
    attributes["onclick"] = HtmlHelper.Event.Create(this, ()=>{ ... });
        attributes["data-toggle"] = "collapse";

🌴 Fluent API

        .Class("active", IsActive)
        .Class("text-block", !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
        .Style($"font-size:{Size}px", Size.HasValue)
        .Content("hello world")

        .Class("active", IsActive)
        .Class("text-block", !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
        .Style((Size.HasValue, $"font-size:{Size}px"))

builder.Ul().ForEach("li", result => {

🚸 Component Association

In .razor file

  • For List.razor file be parent component
<ul @attributes="@GetAttributes()">
    <CascadingValue Value="this">
  • For ListItem.razor file be child of List.razor component
<li @attributes="AdditionalAttributes">@ChildContent</li>

    public ListItem()

    [CascadingParameter] public List CascadedList { get; set; }

    [Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }

In RenderTreeBuilder

  • For List component class
[ParentComponent] //be cascading parameter for this component
public class List : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent

  • For ListItem component class
[ChildComponent(typeof(List))] //Strong association with List
public class ListItem : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent
    [CascadingParameter]public List CascadedList { get; set; }

    [Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }

Use in blazor


<ListItem /> <!--throw exception because ListItem must be the child component of List coponent witch defined ChildComponentAttribute in ListItem-->

🔯 HtmlHelper

  • .razor
<div class="@GetCssClass"></div>

    string GetCssClass => HtmlHelper.Class.Append("btn-primary").Append("active", Actived).ToString();
builder.CreateElement(0, "span", attributes: 
    new { 
            @class = HtmlHelper.Class
                                .Append("active", Actived),
            style = HtmlHelper.Style.Append($"width:{Width}px"),
            onclick = HtmlHelper.Event.Create<MouseEventArgs>(this, e=>{ // });

⚔️ Interceptors

You can intercept the lifecycle of component

  • Define an interceptor
public class LogInterceptor : ComponentInterceptorBase
    private readonly ILogger<LogInterceptor> _logger;
    public LogInterceptor(ILogger<LogInterceptor> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    //Run in SetParameterAsync method is called
    public override void InterceptSetParameters(IBlazorComponent component, ParameterView parameters)
        foreach(var item in parameters)
            _logger.LogDebug($"Key:{item.Name}, Value:{item.Value}");
  • Register interceptor
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {
    configure.Interceptors.Add(new LogInterceptor());

BlazorComponentBase Lifecycle

♻️ Renderer Pipeline

Recognize special case to render specified component

public class NavLinkComponentRender : IComponentRender
    public bool Render(IBlazorComponent component, RenderTreeBuilder builder)
        if ( component is IHasNavLink navLink )
            builder.AddAttribute(1, nameof(NavLink.Match), navLink.Match);
            builder.AddAttribute(2, nameof(NavLink.ActiveClass), navLink.ActiveCssClass);
            builder.AddAttribute(3, nameof(NavLink.ChildContent), navLink.ChildContent);
            builder.AddMultipleAttributes(4, component.GetAttributes());
            return false;
        return true;
  • Register renderer in configuration
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {

📘 Installation Guide

  • Install from
Install-Package ComponentBuilder
  • Register service

Read document for more informations

📝 Component Library Solution Template

Use ComponentBuilder.Templates to generate a razor component library solution and online demo site

dotnet new install ComponentBuilder.Templates
dotnet new blazor-sln -n {YourRazorLibraryName}

More information see templates


An automation framework to create Blazor component

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 98.5%Language:HTML 0.9%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:JavaScript 0.1%