AceofSpades5757 / AceofSpades5757

Open-source, full-stack, web, and desktop application developer with a love for Rust and Python. Most important, I am a devoted father.

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Rust Python Vim

About Me

Open-source father, Rust, and Python developer with a love for Vim. Check out my verbose bio below, or my website to learn a little bit more about me!

Published Packages

Each package is free and open-source software (FOSS). There are also other projects listed in my repositories and gists, such as vim-snippets.

Project Description
๐Ÿฆ€ Rust - ๐Ÿฆ€
vii A way to interact with Vim using Rust.
clipboard-win-html Copy HTML to Windows clipboard.
tasklib Library to use Taskwarrior with Rust.
valve-server-query Allows you to access the data provided by Valve's Server Query protocol.
simple-milli A simple implementation using the core engine of Meilisearch, milli, to create an embedded search engine.
๐Ÿ Python - PyPi ๐Ÿ
clip-util Package for accessing the clipboard with Python.
fzflib Bring the incredible utility of FZF to Python.
vimlib A friendly interface for interacting with Vim using Python.
cs-sync A custom syncing tool.
freshworks Python client library for interacting with Freshworks products.
testlodge Python client library for interacting with TestLodge.
rust-plug A framework for creating Vim plugins in Rust.
AutoHeaders Vim plugin to automatically update your .vim file headers.


I thoroughly enjoy Python, Vim, Rust, and the command line. Using my passion for these technologies, I actively contribute to the FOSS community, giving back a small piece compared to all that the community have freely given me and others like me.

From Vim plugins to automated setup and management systems, I have a strong curiosity for learning new technology and applying that new knowledge in the real world. The most common and powerful adaptation of this has been through command line utilities and web servers for consistency and reliability. Among these

I also enjoy making data pipelines to automate the collection, processing, and application of available data to accomplicsh day to day operations. This includes, access to external HTTP APIs, and putting the data into a CSV/Excel file. Items such as using the local Outlook application for reading and writing email, win32 API for the clipboard, Selenium for any difficult web-based access, and access to many other external web API to get information from web-based financial software/accounts, email, and communication systems.

Always working on countless different projects as my interests vary greatly. Really enjoy learning new things and discussing all sorts of different technologies. Most recently, I keep coming back to Asyncio, OAuth (and the other, more complicated, authentication methods), SQLAlchemy (my favorite ORM), the many Raspberry Pi projects sitting around the house (weakly managed with Ansible), and Vue (excellent front-end for dynamic, modular information, though JS is not nearly as cool as Python).

Other projects include desktop applications, web applications, system administration projects, home automation, etc. This includes contributing to the wider software community, being a proud supporter of projects such as Helix.


Yew Rocket

Flask FastAPI

Requests BeautifulSoup4 Scrapy

I currently manage over 5 web servers.

  • Dedicated Game Hosting
    • Applications to view/manage these
    • Linux
    • Windows
  • Dedicated Web Server
  • Dedicated Web Apps Server
    • Hosts a variety of different web services.

I've authored several client libraries for accessing available APIs using Python and Rust.

Command Line Utilities

Click Blessed clap

My tool preferences involve the terminal. I am a huge fan of using, and developing, CLI applications.

For Python projects, I would highly recommend Click. It's a fantastic library with a mature community and excellent reliability.

For Rust projects, I would highly recommend clap. The interface is fantastic and offers a streamlined experience straight out of the box.



From systematic analysis of emails and PDF douments, automating daily tasks is an imortant part of my day to day.

Data Science & Engineering

Pandas NumPy Matplotlib Plotly

Data science is a valuale and important resource to especially with finance, assets, or other accounting issues in your life and business.


  • Rust, Python, and Vim
  • Command Line Tools
  • Data Collection
  • Automations
  • Web Scraping
  • Web APIs (REST)
  • Data Science/Engineering

Languages and Tools






Python Bash

Vim Neovim Jupyter Notebook

SQLite Ansible



C Rust


HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

NPM jQuery


Python Libraries

Click Blessed clap

pytest Rope

Pandas NumPy Matplotlib Plotly

Flask FastAPI Yew Rocket

Jinja2 SQLAlchemy

Requests BeautifulSoup4 Scrapy



AWS Linode Google Cloud



Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Access Microsoft SharePoint Power Automate


Linux Ubuntu Windows 10 Raspberry Pi


Corey Schafer anthonywritescode

FreeCodeCamp Udemy Codecademy Duolingo


Open-source, full-stack, web, and desktop application developer with a love for Rust and Python. Most important, I am a devoted father.