Abson-dev / Harvard_DataMining_Business_Student

For students of Harvard CSCI E-96 Data Mining for Business

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For students of Harvard CSCI E-96 Data Mining for Business

Working with R

If you are new to R, please take an online course to get familarity prior to the first session. We will still cover R basics but students have been aided by spending a few hours taking a free online course at DataQuest or DataCamp. The code below should be run in the console to install packages needed for the semester.

Please install the following packages with this R code.

If you encounter any errors don't worry we will find time to work through them. The qdap library is usually the trickiest because it requires Java and rJava and does not work on Mac. So if you get any errors, try removing that from the code below and rerunning. This will take a long time if you don't already have the packages, so please run prior to class, and at a time you don't need your computer ie at night.

# Individually you can use 
# install.packages('packageName') such as below:

# or 
pacman::p_load(ggplot2, ggthemes, ggdark, rbokeh, maps, 
               ggmap, leaflet, radiant.data, DataExplorer,
               vtreat, dplyr, ModelMetrics, pROC,
               MLmetrics, caret, e1071, plyr, 
               rpart.plot, randomForest, forecast, dygraphs,
               lubridate, jsonlite, tseries, ggseas,
               arules,fst, recommenderlab,reshape2,
               TTR,quantmod, htmltools,
               PerformanceAnalytics,rpart, data.table,
               pbapply, rbokeh, stringi, tm, qdap, readr,
               dendextend, wordcloud, RColorBrewer,
               tidytext, radarchart, RCurl, openNLP, xml2, stringr,
               devtools, flexdashboard, rmarkdown, httr)

# Additionally we will need this package from a different repo
                  repos= 'http://datacube.wu.ac.at/')


For students of Harvard CSCI E-96 Data Mining for Business


Language:R 100.0%