AbobkerElaghel / rbktn01-mini-apps-1

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Exercise: Mini App Sprint In this 4-day sprint, you will build four "mini apps" completely from scratch. Building small apps from scratch is something that you will be asked to do in every technical interview during your job search. Mastering these concepts is essential to landing a job.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you start from scratch on each challenge and that you DO NOT copy code from a previous challenges, even if some aspects of the next challenge appear to be similar. Why? Read on:

Expect to learn something new in each challenge: an interesting technique, an insight you didn't previously have or an 'aha' moment that connects dots. As you uncover these learnings, you might think 'I wish I knew this before I started'. Good news! That's exactly why we're asking you to start from scratch on each challenge. Applying knowledge in later challenges is one of best ways to retain that newfound knowledge. Practice makes perfect. The more times you repeat doing the basics, the easier it will be to perform those basics in the future. In addition to the above requirement, you should not copy or reference code and lecture materials from your prior sprints. Practice autonomy by finding answers on the internet.

Completing the basic requirements and then moving on to finish as much of the advanced content as possible is one of the best ways to prepare for the upcoming Technical Assessment.

Using Hints Challenges 1-4 offer 'hints'. If you are stuck on something, chances are good there is a hint that will help get you unstuck. Use them.

Hints are provided only for the basic requirements and are organized into headings by topic, so it's possible to find a specific hint without reading all the hints. However, do not read any of these hints without making a deliberate choice to do so as this reduces your learning potential.

Before you begin a challenge, it is recommended that you read the hint titles so that if you get stuck, you know what can be found in the hints file. After you've completed the basic requirements, read all the hints to see what, if any, improvements you can make to your code.

A hint that addresses a specific issue is only included in the challenge where it first becomes relevant. If you don't find a hint that meets your needs in the current challenge's hint file, be sure to also check prior hints.

Environment Setup Pre-requisite:

Mac OS X: install XCode and command line tools Ubuntu: install build-essential package Recommended setup for your machine:

install nvm . install node version 10.x (use the latest version v10 version, as of this writing that is 10.15.3) alias default node version to what you installed in the prior step NVM-based node installation:

nvm install 10.15.3 nvm alias default 10.15.3



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