Abhishek Gautam's repositories
Routers are the most common networking Devices which can be seen everywhere, it's one of the most attacked networking devices so it's important to known the existing vulnerabilities and how to exploit it and how to secure it
cool Batch scripts like bypass UAC
This tells us about how to use nmap and in what differnt ways can the nmap for better scanning of the ports and also briefs about which options we should enable for which kind of host
How whatsapp's new end to end encryption work
Various different types of algorithms to solve different types of problem which we come through while solving problems or writing programs.
Computer Hardware and Software Ports
Around Google Dork
Port Scanner are one of important tools used in penetration testing and used majorly for information gathering and helps decide exploits based on open ports present in host. This script does a port scanning on the specified host it takes 3 arguments as input out of which 2 are optional and tries to check for open ports
This repository contains Solution of learning python the hard Way and other python scripts as well
This repository contains the C programs which every beg must make to get his hands on C
Implementation Of Different Types of data types using c programming
Demonstration of how to perform the DHCP Starvation attack to starve it, so that no new user is able to connect to the network
Basics of what is footprinting and how to perform it in more organized and efficient manner so as to achieve better results.
A quick guide to incident response. Incident can be of many types and each has different implications on the ongoing processes and each should be dealt in a different way and separate actions much be taken as per the incidents. This is the work of incident response team of an organization
Owasp is the biggest organization which monitors the web vulnerability, So this is a tutorial of how to perform the exploits and then the analysis of the technical and business implications of the exploits.
Qrl jacking attacks and mitigations from it and tips to save your self from such vectored attacks
security checklists
Identifying and Resolving Major Problems within the Smart Grid System