AbhinavA10 / WAT-Health

⚕️ Community powered online support group with analytics using NLP

Home Page:https://devpost.com/software/wat-health-ncd7ja

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An online, community powered forum for helping people tackle mental health issues and connect to people who are going through similar issues.

Also offers analytical tools and helplines for immediate assistance and resources for dealing with emergency crisis.

Login Screen:

Login Screen

User Dashboard / Analytics Page

Analytics Page

The Problem Space

While researching about the stigma behind talking openly about mental health issue, we found that some major problems that people face are: fear and shame of feeling weak, lack of awareness even with abundant resources, and the lack of a community who share the same problems to discuss these issues.

How we tackle it

WATHealth aims to tackle all these problems by offering complete anonymity by default, using Natural Language Processing Tools like the Watson API to examine the content a user interacts with to understand if a user needs immediate help, a unique Buddy system where users are assigned a random partner who shares the same problems to discuss their issues and help each other. We also offer ready resources on our page for users and an emergency Get Help! button to get immediate assistance. Users can also talk directly to our representatives from a Contact Us button

What are the problems with existing solutions?

Stigma behind openly talking about mental health issues with the lack of awareness and readily available resources. Lack of a community to share problems with no direct connection to professionals.

How we are special

This is completely free with no hidden costs while it is 100% anonymous. A unique 'buddy' system to assign people to partners for support. A community of people who share the same issues. Directly sending your data to professionals and using the power of data.

Future Additions

Doctor Connect

Directly sending all of your data from surveys and the content you interact with to medical professionals who can help.

In-House message platform

Create an on-platform messaging service to incorporate an added level of privacy and also so you can be able to monitor those messages for keywords that indicate needing immediate help.

Post Filtering.

Incorporated an automatic post filtering system which removes obscene words and troll users. Used NLP and keyword search to accomplish this.


To run this, you will need to npm install and have Vue installed.

Note: Firebase works with Node 10, but not Node 12

It becomes easiest when you have the LiveServer extension in vscode.

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login

A Vue.js project

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

Deploy to Firebase

firebase deploy

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.


⚕️ Community powered online support group with analytics using NLP



Language:CSS 27.2%Language:SCSS 20.8%Language:Less 18.7%Language:JavaScript 15.8%Language:HTML 10.4%Language:Vue 7.1%