AbhigyaShridhar / CS50-mail

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is my implementation of an emailing web application which works through a simple API created using django URLs and Json library. It is a single page application which uses javascript to render most of the content.

Javascript Functions:

The Frontend is handled by the 'static/mail/inbox.js'. It is responsible for rendering different mail boxes and message content. It uses GET method to get the required email message through the API route

The Backend is handled by the 'static/mail/send.js'. It uses POST method to add a new Json object to the database. While marking the emails as Read, a PUT request is used to update an existing Json object


This project contains just two models: User and Email The User model is the default django user model to register users. AUTH_MODEL='mail.User' has to be specified in the project3/settings.py file

The Email model contains all the data of a basic message. the serializer function puts all the data in a table format to be put in a Json object.

The API routes can be seen in the "mail/urls.py" file. Each API route returns a Json object rather than an HTML response



Language:Python 64.7%Language:JavaScript 21.1%Language:HTML 14.0%Language:CSS 0.1%