Abhay7apk / Questt_Assignment_Backend_Pt

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My Bookstore - Backend

Welcome to the backbone of our online bookstore, built using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Our robust backend provides a foundation for users to seamlessly explore, search for, and purchase their favorite books.

Key Features

Our backend empowers you with essential features for a smooth user experience:

  • User Management: Easily manage user accounts with registration, login, and logout functionality.
  • Book Catalog: Access an extensive collection of books with efficient browsing and search capabilities.
  • Order Processing: Streamlined order creation ensures a hassle-free shopping experience.

Technologies at Work

We've harnessed the power of cutting-edge technologies to deliver a robust backend:

  • Node.js: A high-performance JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, ideal for server-side applications.
  • Express.js: A fast and flexible Node.js web application framework that ensures a seamless operation.
  • MongoDB: Our choice for a cross-platform document-oriented database program, offering data flexibility and integrity.
  • Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js, simplifying database operations.
  • JSON Web Token (JWT): This secure technology plays a pivotal role in representing claims for secure data transfer.

Project Structure

Let's dive into the core structure of our backend:

  • Routes: In the routes directory, you'll find route handlers responsible for books, users, and orders.
  • Models: The models directory houses Mongoose models, including Book, User, and Order.
  • Middleware: Inside the middleware directory, discover essential middleware functions, such as authentication.
  • Configuration: The config directory contains configuration files, including the setup for connecting to the database.


To ensure a seamless experience, please meet the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js and npm: Make sure you have the latest versions installed to facilitate a smooth setup.
  • Operating System: Our backend is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS, so any of these operating systems will work seamlessly.
  • MongoDB: You'll need to install MongoDB. If you're new to MongoDB, refer to a setup guide for assistance.

Installing My Bookstore

To set up your local My Bookstore backend, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Create a local copy of our backend codebase with this command:

    git clone https://github.com/Abhay7apk/Questt_Assignment_Backend_Pt.git
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory: Access the project directory using this command:

    cd Questt-backend
  3. Install Dependencies: Ensure that all required packages and libraries are readily available by running this command:

    npm install

Configuring My Bookstore

To tailor My Bookstore to your requirements, you'll need to configure key environment variables:

  1. Create a .env File: In the root directory of the project, generate a .env file to store crucial environment variables.

  2. Add the Following Lines to the .env File:

    • Replace "mongodb://" with your unique MongoDB connection string, should it differ.
    • Replace "yourNewSecretKey" with a secure and confidential secret key. After modifying the .env file, remember to restart your server for the changes to take effect.

Running My Bookstore Locally

Explore the capabilities of My Bookstore on your local machine with these straightforward steps:

  1. Start the Development Server: Initialize the development server by running this command:

    node index.js
  2. Access the Application: Open your preferred web browser and head to http://localhost:3001. You're now ready to explore My Bookstore's backend.

Deploying My Bookstore

Should you wish to deploy My Bookstore, consider a cloud platform such as Heroku or AWS. Here are general steps to guide you:

  1. Create a New Application: On your chosen cloud platform, establish a new application.

  2. Connect to Your Repository: Link your cloud application to your GitHub repository.

  3. Configure Environment Variables: Set up environment variables on your cloud platform, similar to the setup in your .env file.

  4. Deploy the Application: Utilize the deployment tools provided by your chosen cloud platform to launch your application.

Please note that the specific steps may vary based on the cloud platform you choose.

API Endpoints

My Bookstore's backend offers a variety of API endpoints to enhance your experience:

  • Register a New User: POST /api/users/register
  • Login a User: POST /api/users/login
  • Logout a User: POST /api/users/logout
  • Create a New Book: POST /api/books
  • Get All Books: GET /api/books
  • Get a Book by ID: GET /api/books/:bookID
  • Update a Book by ID: PUT /api/books/:bookID
  • Delete a Book by ID
  • Place an Order: POST /api/orders

Your journey through My Bookstore's backend awaits, with a robust feature set and a wide array of technical prowess!



Language:JavaScript 100.0%