Abhay-Chirania's repositories


A small RTOS for ARM Cortex-M4 based Microcontroller.



Hand gesture recognition based whiteboard that allows you to write on live webcam. This is the first version and has features like 4 different colors, eraser and a recording option that records your session and saves it in a "recordings" folder. Use index finger to draw and two or more fingers to move around and select items. Future version will contain more functionalities like changeable thickness, color palette, integration with zoom and google meet etc.



This repository contains 6502 assembler and 6502 emulator made from scratch in python. 6502 emulator: Supports all the operations that a 6502 microprocessor can perform except Interrupt request. This repo contains executable GUI where you can write assembly code and quickly emulate it and/or download bin file for the code. 6502 assembler: Made completely from scratch. Supports all opcodes and addressing modes applicable in 6502 microprocessor. Note : The assembler currently does not support all the facilities of a generic assembler like storing string and sequence of data. Use "byte" or "word" keywords to store data in the memory.Look at Examples folder for more details. I am planning to add all the features of generic assembler in the future. Thanks to Dave Poo for his amazing "Emulating a CPU in C++" series on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJgsuQoy9bc&list=PLLwK93hM93Z13TRzPx9JqTIn33feefl37 Feel free to report any bugs and issues in the assembler or emulator. Email: abhaychirania2411@gmail.com Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhay-chirania-4682b7189/



Augmented reality based Rubik's Cube solver.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:8Issues:0Issues:0


During Covid-19 masks have become an important tool . This project detects masks in pictures and can be easily modified to do so in video too. The project contains a Trainer script which is features two models, A custom CNN model and other MobilenetV2 . Any one can be used to train the model on a good dataset. The project also has a predictor script which uses opencv.dnn with resnet model to identify faces in an image, feeds the identified faces through the trained model and gives out a prediction whether face is wearing a mask or not. The project already contains pre-trained model trained for 6 epochs and around 80% accuracy. Feel free to train the model on a better dataset and more epochs for better result.



This python program uses computer vision to extract two sets of data points(x and y) written in a white sheet of paper. Recognises the digit through a CNN Classifier, arranger the recognised digit according to its coordinated on the image and plots a simple plot using matplotlib library.



Green Screen System is very popular in Video industry. This is a very basic implementation of Green Screen System using techniques like colour filtering, masking,morphology etc. This projects features two version, one in which the background(i.e imposed image) is static image and other in which the background is a video. The colour to be filtered i.e "Green Screen colour" can be decided by used either by hardcoding the upper and lower HSV bounds or using a Slider tool to do so. When the program rund the user is asked whether he wants to input hardcode values or use the Tool. This project also has two helper programs , one for resizing the video and other to convert frame of a video to image.



This project features a live 9*9 sudoku solver through an image. The program uses computer vision techniques like adaptiveThresholding, contours etc to grab the digits for the sudoku image, feeds them through a CNN classifier



This repository provides a simple keras based CNN skeleton for Simple binary classification. Put the two categories of image in the dataset folder provided and run the program by tuning various parameters and inputing filepaths and other



This repository contains the apks of two Android hypercasual games developed by me.



This is a face_detection library and opencv based intruder alarm system for face detection and identification. This can be easily implemented with AWS IoT just y using paho library in the code.



Travelling Salesman is a very well know problem in graph theory and pathfinding. This is the implementation of Travelling salesperson algorithm which uses Genetic Algorithm to solve the problem effectively in time.



This is the implementation of Binary Search Tree from scratch in python which has various features like traversals(inorder,preorder and postorder), insertion , finding element etc.



LRU_Cache is a leetcode problem which requires in-depth knowledge of datastructures. In the implementation of LRU_Cache, LinkedHashTable was used.



This program is the implementation of A* algorithm in Python along with random maze and obstacle generation and an image pop up with solved path.
