Abh29 / JavaBFSCalc

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


this is a part of ITIS java training, in this task we need to implement a solution for the next game:

The task

given two number a and b and a set of mathematical operations, can you find the shortest path from a to b
using only the provided operations ?
example : given a = 5, b = 2000 can you find the shortest path if it exists using only add_3 (+3) and multiply_4 (*4)
  • 5 => multiply_4 , add_3 , add_3 , add_3 , multiply_4 , add_3 , add_3 , add_3 , multiply_4 , multiply_4 => 2000 ( in 10 steps )

The solution

I used a BFS method to find the shortest path, at each step I update the list of adjacency of a given element by applying all the operations
to it, we can add a list that contains a history of all elements to avoid cyrcles

The implementation

The ShortestPath method from BFS_Search class, takes two integers a and b and a variadic parameter rules being a PremitiveAction type,
The class Rules contains some ready operations that could be used, you can add any integer operation (Z -> Z) as we deal with integers only
The prototype of the operation should be  int action (int v,StringBuilder name); as it need to conform the interface PrimitiveAction, the second parameter
    name is used to get the name of the function to contruct the trace



Language:Java 100.0%