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Testimonials about big companies using Python

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Testimonials about Python, how Python is used at companies, quotes included


  • At LinkedIn we ship hundreds of command line utilities to every machine in our data-centers and all of our employees workstations. The vast majority of these utilties are written in Python. (Shiv Docs)


  • Instagram Server is entirely Python powered. Well, mostly. There’s also some Cython, and our dependencies include a fair amount of C++ code exposed to Python as C extensions. (instagram-engineering.com)


  • For a lot of little reasons, Java programs end up being longer and more painful to write than the equivalent Python programs.

  • We decided that Python was fast enough for most of what we need to do (since we push our performance-critical code to backend servers written in C++ whenever possible). As far as typechecking, we ended up writing very thorough unit tests which are worth writing anyway, and achieve most of the same goals. We also had a lot of confidence that Python would continue to evolve in a direction that would be good for the life of our codebase, having watched it evolve over the last 5 years. (CEO of Quora)


  • Python aficionados are often surprised to learn that Python has long been the language most commonly used by production engineers at Facebook

  • Our engineers build and maintain thousands of Python libraries and binaries deployed across our entire infrastructure.

  • Python is heavily used by the Facebook infrastructure teams and is ubiquitous in production engineering.

  • Production engineering owns much of the software used to manage our infrastructure. Virtually all of it is written in Python, and it covers the life cycle of our hardware, from the time that it arrives in one of our data centers to the time that it is decommissioned.

  • Using Python enables us to write code that dynamically generates configuration objects without creating, maintaining, or learning to use complex templating systems that are typically required for this use case. (engineering.fb.com)


  • More and more, developers turn to Python due to its rich batteries-included standard library, succinct and clean yet expressive syntax, large developer community, and the wealth of third party libraries one can tap into to solve a given problem. Its dynamic underpinnings enable developers to rapidly iterate and innovate, two very important qualities at Netflix

  • Our Data Science and Engineering teams rely heavily on Python to help surface insights from the vast quantities of data produced by the organization

  • While a Hive query may take hours to complete, once the initial dataset is loaded in Sting, additional iterations ... enjoy sub-second response times. ... Sting is written entirely in Python, making heavy use of libraries such as pandas and numpy to perform fast filtering and aggregation operations.

  • They contribute heavily to our overall service quality, allow us to rapidly innovate, and are a whole lot of fun to work on to boot! (netflix-techblog)


  • the Dropbox desktop client is written in Python, it's one of if not the largest piece of desktop client software that is out, and Dropbox has 400 million users. There aren't that many pieces of desktop software that aren't sort of bundled with an operating system distribution, that have that level of user base.

  • the majority of our server side code is in Python as well (Director of Engineering at Dropbox)

Walt Disney Animation Studios

  • all tools are fully scriptable in Python (source)


  • The other thing that keeps us on Python, and this is the major thing, is how readable and writable it is. When we hire new employees … I don’t think we’ve yet hired an employee who knew Python. I just say, “everything you write needs to be in Python.” Just so I can read it. And it’s awesome because I can see from across the room, looking at their screen, whether their code is good or bad. Because good Python code has a very obvious structure. And that makes my life so much easier.

  • It’s extremely expressive, extremely readable, and extremely writable. And that just keeps life smooth. (Reddit CEO & Co-founder)


  • Speed is a big focus for Spotify. Python fits well into this mindset, as it gets us big wins in speed of development

  • Python has a habit of turning up in other random places, as most of our developers are happy programming in it.

  • Spotify’s backend consists of many interdependent services, connected by own messaging protocol over ZeroMQ. Around 80% of these services are written in Python.

  • Around 90% of our map reduce jobs are written in Python. When it’s going all out we have seen over 6000 Python processes running over the hundreds of nodes in our Hadoop cluster. (Spotify Labs)


  • More than 200 million people discover and do what they love on Pinterest every month. We rely on several hundred Python services and tools to power these experiences. (pinterest-engineering)

  • Pinterest is powered by a large Python codebase. (pinterest-engineering)

  • When we first started building Pinterest, we used Python as our development language, which helped us build quickly and reliably. Over the years we built many tools around Python (pinterest-engineering)


Patreon uses Flask (source)


Disqus uses Django as the basis of their service (source)


Testimonials about big companies using Python

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