AbdulxaqDev / c-learn

C projects and all my c related codes

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Simple password verifier. It cheks password that include lower and upper case letters, digits, special characters and pass word length.

see the code

How to run it

Use C and C++ Compilers gcc to run c code.

How to Install C and C++ Compilers on Windows

How to Install C and C++ Compilers on Linux

$ gcc passwordValidation.c && ./a.out


It will ask a username and password.

And, gives feedback based on your password.

$ gcc passwordValidation.c && ./a.out 

what is your username?

Please create a password: 13574&^###########

You shoudl consider a new password John

Make shure you include uppercase and lowercase

letters, digits and special charackters.

You can play around to check all feedbacks.


C projects and all my c related codes



Language:C 98.1%Language:JavaScript 1.8%Language:Shell 0.1%