Abdulsayedd / HospitalManagmentSystem2.0

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Hospital Management System (HMS) πŸ₯

A Hospital Management System (HMS) is a digital platform designed to streamline the operations and management of a hospital. It helps hospital managers to manage patient information, appointment scheduling, electronic medical records, inventory management, billing and payment processing, reporting and analytics, and other related tasks, (ASP.NET Web Application + MySQL).

System Actors 🎭

  • Receptionist: Responsible for managing appointments.
  • Patient: Can view, create, edit, and delete requested appointments and pays his bills.
  • Doctor: Can write diagnoses and prescribe medications and confirm or edit the appointment.
  • Pharmacist: Responsible for dispensing medications and managing inventory.
  • Lab Technician: Manages samples, runs tests, and records results.
  • Radiologist: Runs imaging and records results.
  • Managers: Manages patient payments and employees' salaries and all information.
  • Administrator: Manages everything.

Note: All system actors except patients can login to the system, while patients can login and register.

Features ✨

  • Appointment Management: Schedule and manage appointments.
  • Patient Information Management: Store and manage patient information.
  • Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Maintain electronic medical records for patients.
  • Inventory Management: Manage inventory of medications and supplies.
  • Billing and Payment Processing: Handle billing and payment processing for patients.

Database Structure πŸ“š

  • Account: Stores user account information.
    • Columns: id, username, password, mail, name, age, address, mobilenumber, gender, type.
  • Salary: Stores salary information for different roles.
    • Columns: id, salary.
  • Payment: Stores payment information.
    • Columns: id, paid, amount.
  • Appointment: Stores appointment details.
    • Columns: IdAppointment, IdPatient, IdDoc, date, medicine, samples, sample results, imaging, imaging results, diagnoses, state (finished or not).
  • Medicine: Stores medicine inventory information.
    • Columns: IdMedicine, MedicineName, MedicineCount.

User Permissions πŸ‘₯

  • Patient: Login, view, create, edit, and delete appointments, and pay bills.
  • Receptionist: Login, view, create, edit, and delete appointments.
  • Doctor: Login, view, create, edit, and delete appointments with details.
  • Technician: Login, edit appointment samples and records.
  • Pharmacist: Login, manage medicine inventory.
  • Nurses: Login, view appointments.
  • Radiologist: Login, run imaging, record results.
  • Managers: Login, view, create, edit, and delete every database except admin.
  • Admin: Login, view, create, edit, and delete every database.



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