Abdulmehad / ATM-Machine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Java ATM System


This repository contains a Java program that simulates a basic ATM system. The program includes classes for creating savings and checking accounts, performing deposits, withdrawals, and checking account balances. The purpose of this project is to provide a simple example of object-oriented programming in Java.

Classes and Interfaces:

  1. bankaccount (Abstract Class):

    • Abstract class representing a generic bank account.
    • Contains attributes like accountno, accountholdername, and balance.
    • Abstract methods deposit and withdraw to be implemented by subclasses.
  2. savingaccount (Class extending bankaccount):

    • Represents a savings account.
    • Inherits from bankaccount and implements the abstract methods.
    • Has an additional attribute interestrate and overrides the withdraw method.
  3. checkingaccount (Class extending bankaccount):

    • Represents a checking account.
    • Inherits from bankaccount and implements the abstract methods.
    • Has an additional attribute overdraftlimit and overrides the withdraw method.
  4. atmtransaction (Interface):

    • An interface defining methods for ATM transactions - withdraw, deposit, and checkbalance.
  5. atm (Class implementing atmtransaction):

    • Represents the ATM system.
    • Implements methods for account management, withdrawal, deposit, and checking balance.
    • Maintains an ArrayList of bankaccount objects.
  6. ATMmain (Main Class):

    • Contains the main method to execute the ATM program.
    • Creates an instance of the atm class and initializes sample saving and checking accounts.
    • Provides a user interface for creating accounts and performing transactions.


  1. Creating Accounts:

    • Choose between saving and checking accounts.
    • Enter account holder's name.
  2. Managing Accounts:

    • Deposit funds into an account.
    • Withdraw funds from an account.
    • Check the account balance.
  3. ATM Operation:

    • The ATM class provides a text-based menu for users to interact with their accounts.
  4. Error Handling:

    • The program includes basic error handling for invalid inputs.

Running the Program:

  1. Compile:

    • Compile the Java program using a Java compiler.
  2. Run:

    • Run the compiled program.
  3. Follow On-Screen Instructions:

    • Interact with the program by following the on-screen instructions.


  • The program uses a simple random number generator to assign account numbers.
  • It includes a basic exception handling mechanism for unexpected input.


This program is a simplified simulation for educational purposes and may not represent real-world banking systems. Use it at your own risk.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code.



Language:Java 100.0%