AbdullahGhanem / themoviedb

seed movies from themoviedb

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Laravel Package for Seed themoviedb

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require ghanem/themoviedb

first you should run migration it will make migration

php artisan migrate

now you need to publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ghanem\Themoviedb\ThemoviedbServiceProvider" --tag="config"


first you need to create account in themoviedb and submit to get key

in .env add your key


Seed Movies

this package create command to seed Movies and Genres

php artisan themoviedb:seed top_rated_movies

to change Number of Records in .env add your num_of_records


by default 100 recourds

to use laravel Queue to handle the seeder task just enable it in .env:


by default false

Endpoint Movies

you can access Endpoint form


if you need add prefix or midlware just open config/themoviedb.php

return [
    'prefix' => '/',
    'middleware' => ['web'],

schedule seed movies

to schedule seed movies we need to use php cron job and laravel Task Scheduling. in app/Console/Kernel.php file's schedule method just add

     $schedule->command('themoviedb:seed top_rated_movies --force')->daily();

and can change daily to ather method that laravel accepts here


seed movies from themoviedb


Language:PHP 100.0%