Abdi-Adan / storage_space

Flutter Plugin. Get the free, available and total storage space for the device. Utility helpers for readable sizes

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/storage_space

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Storage Space

Get the free, available and total disk space for the device.

The StorageSpace model contains values in bytes and human-readable versions.

The lowOnSpace flag shows when the device is low on space. The threshhold is up to you.


StorageSpace freeSpace = await getStorageSpace(
  lowOnSpaceThreshold: 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, // 2GB
  fractionDigits: 1, // How many digits to use for the human-readable values


The example directory shows how to use StorageSpace package to render a "progress meter" that renders a warning when the device is low on space


This package is a reworking of disk_space and storage_capacity.

The reworking adds null-safety, as well as some convenience features:

  • A single method-call for all properties in a StorageSpace class
  • All values in bytes and human-readable, ie: 12.1 MB, 8 GB, 1.5 TB etc.
  • Usage as a percent
  • A flag to show if the system is low-on-space. The threshold is user-defined

Take a peek at the StorageSpace class in the API reference for more details.


Flutter Plugin. Get the free, available and total storage space for the device. Utility helpers for readable sizes




Language:Dart 47.6%Language:Kotlin 19.9%Language:Ruby 16.1%Language:Swift 11.3%Language:Objective-C 5.1%