AbdelrhmanIbrahim / rendering

Rendering engine for learning purposes

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Simple C++ Rendering Engine from scratch for learning purposes. (windows/opengl based only for now)

- Clone, submodule init then update.
- Add QT5_DIR as an enviroment variable points to the directory that has Qt5Config.cmake, for example : "C:/Qt/5.14.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5"
- Add QT5 bin folder path to "Path" enviroment variable


  • remove GLUT ✔
  • remove prebuilt glew binaries ✔
  • cmake ✔
  • renderdoc ✔
  • fix pbr new bug after refactor, diff roughness ✔
  • hide renderers impl inside and clean the interface ✔
  • get samplers in ✔
  • create internal handle for gl objects ✔
  • propagate samplers in rendereres ✔
  • fix rotation + movement events bug ✔
  • add imGui and interact ✔
  • add fmt ✔
  • get QT in ✔
  • blend QT windowing with painter ✔
  • add ECS ✔
  • fix crash at closing ✔
  • get the rest of renderers back to use ECS ✔
  • point light ✔
  • spot light ✔
  • attach spot light to camera ✔
  • add systems ✔
  • move all renderers to renderering systems ✔
  • remove unnecessary data transformations, no need to link renderers to ecs ✔
  • find a good way for communications and relations between components (unity scripts) ✔
  • add camera sys ✔
  • propagate different lights to pbr ✔
  • add light entities ✔
  • point renderer ✔
  • fix point renderer bug (the points show in rdoc only which is weird) ✔
  • render light source as shinny point with radius ✔
  • fix zooming bug ✔
  • line renderer ✔
  • virtual tiles ground ✔
  • hiddenline mode ✔
  • emit line strip only when face is ccw ✔
  • mesh picking ✔
  • moving picked meshes ✔
  • selection manager ✔
  • orbiting camera ✔
  • Textured quad ✔
  • fix postprocessing bug (input texture is bound as the result outprocessing texture, you dumb)
  • 3d objects outlines
  • Fix PBR distortion bug (happened after camera orbiral change commit : https://github.com/AbdelrhmanIbrahim/rendering/commit/1138169c966fd829c145cfd172d17c5601d78ae1, revert camera_view_matrix() and bug fixed but figure out why)
  • application state (e.g. Picking state)
  • load obj textured models, check assimp impl
  • normal mapping
  • read more about material systems (shading models impl chp 5 in rtr + unreal blueprint)
  • deferred shading
  • improve PBR + maps usage
  • shadows
  • SSAO
  • parallex mapping or relief mapping (raymarching)
  • OI and OD transparency like weighted average or depth peeling (nvidia bookmark and https://m.habr.com/en/post/457292/)
  • continue in real time rendering book
  • MSAA enable when needed
  • we do alot of fetching then uploading data to gpu even if there's no change to the data (do some kind of lazy updating)
  • slerp (https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/FastAndAccurateSlerp.pdf)
  • make the tiles ground infinite
  • visualize mesh normals and point clouds with geometry shader
  • imporve hiddenline visualization, check its geometry shader comments
  • small profiling shows swapbuffer waiting take much time, read more about this and vsync
  • lazy main loop update for input events and comparing ecs worlds in case of changing data internally
  • make a shadow renderer only that outputs a texture with shadows then merge it later
  • propagate uniform blocks to phong_shadow
  • if we don't need exceptions, disable them
  • fix imgui input handling bug
  • realtime GI (global illumination)
  • main loop indpendent frame rate
  • compute shaders
  • space partitioning
  • view frustm culling
  • resources file format
  • terrian deformation
  • fluid/water/particle system simulation (read Fluid Engine Development book)
  • cloud rendering
  • rigid body dynamics
  • mesh destruction
  • animation


Rendering engine for learning purposes


Language:C 61.7%Language:C++ 38.1%Language:CMake 0.1%Language:GLSL 0.0%