Abdelrahman Bayoumi's repositories
Holy Quran Radio Desktop is a simple Electron app to stream the Holy Quran radio station directly from your desktop
Implementation of RSA Algorithm (Encryption - Decryption)
My GitHub profile README
Age Tracker app is a tool that helps users keep track of important birthdays, including those of their loved ones. It features real-time age display in Hijri and Georgian calendars.
The Birthday Database app is a versatile tool that helps users keep track of important birthdays, including those of their loved ones. It features real-time age display in Hijri and Georgian calendars.
A Node.js and TypeScript-based tool that dynamically generates prayer times in the .ics calendar format for a specified date range, location, and calculation method. This can be used to import prayer times into various calendar applications.
Portfolio website
This project is a simple yet powerful To-Do List application built with Angular 17 and PrimeNG. It features a clean user interface for managing your daily tasks with ease. The app uses PrimeNG UI components for Angular to deliver a responsive and accessible experience.
A curated list of awesome JavaFX libraries, books, frameworks, etc...
🌎 Landing Page for Azkar App - azkar-site.web.app
Keep tracking your prayers.
This QR Code Generator is implemented based on the concepts discussed in the blog post from CoderScratchPad. It utilizes JavaFX for the graphical interface and ZXing for QR code generation, providing a user-friendly way to generate and display QR codes.
Sura File Renamer is an Electron app that automatically renames files in a specified folder based on a predefined mapping (`suraObject.json`). It is designed to rename files with names like `001`, `002`, etc., to their corresponding names like `001 - سورة الفاتحة`.
Front-end application for the Task Management application (NestJS Zero to Hero course)
This is a simple Todo application built with Angular and server-side rendering (SSR) using Express. The application features a Todo interface where users can manage their tasks. Both the frontend and the API are served through the same Express server, which enables efficient SSR for improved performance and SEO.
A simple web-based tool for performing Triple DES (3DES) encryption and decryption directly in your browser.
A simple web application to calculate work end time based on start time and duration. This app allows you to input your start time, choose between an 8-hour or 8.5-hour workday, and then calculates and displays your end time.